Give me back my fucking Soviet Union where we had a giant ass country with all shit in the world possible apart from damn jungles to travel and where you could use the same fucking rubles wherever you go. With people there to help you no problem no matter where you go.

Even that might be gone due to YouTube going haywire and deleting Russian channels affiliated with state departments and organisations.

Not really the full movie. Gaijins made computer graphics and worked combat encounters. The movie itself is a partially crowd-funded project by some of our Russian dramatic drum roll fucking monarchists. They intentionally made the movie completely sterile and cut out everything soviet out of it. Other than that - a good movie, compared to all the rest of the cringe we had for years since Soviet Union fell apart.

Those people were clearly coming to see some kind of a high value southern art and arrived in their best for such an occasoon. Oh boy-oh boy, what a weird day that was for most of them.

I can already see lines forming to get the product in extra high demand - heads of fucking capitalists

I'd actually say something of a kind should be posted to the other allied subreddits in a slightly altered form. People should know where to run and what to do here. This way we will not just escape Reddit, but also grow way beyond GenZedong on a new free platform.