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That time when a DPRK audience had to watch a live K-pop concert for the first time

  • Understandable. That's my reaction seeing K-pop for the first time as well.

    Edit : Here's a video of that event. It's even funnier than a single image.

    • LMAO all those guys in suits on a k-pop concert. Not to mention it was actually very tame and conservative for a k-pop.

      • Those people were clearly coming to see some kind of a high value southern art and arrived in their best for such an occasoon. Oh boy-oh boy, what a weird day that was for most of them.

    • lol just a general disgusted / "this is extremely innappropriate" reaction.

  • I remember the first time the video was posted to reddit and all the neck beards were drooling over the singers and appalled by the audience not wanting to worship them. Then there were also the comments saying this is actually how respect is shown in the DPRK because their laws are so strict they would be executed for showing excitement or some bullshit.

  • "What is this capitalist crap"