I would start with a heat shield and see if that helps. I Had a similar issue where my AC evaporator is 6 inches from an exhaust header. I added a heat shield on the evaporator housing and it helped with AC temp.
Last time there was a discussion about arm pillows I bought one of them. https://medcline.com/products/shoulder-relief-pillow
I don't use it as they depict but I do use some of the pillows.
I started with a $15 double edge safety razor that I used for years. I bought the $70 Henson razor because I wanted a better shave, but the results are about the same as the $15 razor I started with. The Henson razor glides better so I can get the same quality shave with less time. I can also shave twice (one across the grain once against) if I want a better shave, but it still isn't the smooth shave I was hoping for. The henson razor came with 100 blades, but you can also get 100 blades for $10 on amazon.
While I generally agree with this it feels wrong in this case since everyone who bought it can get a refund.
Games would go on sale for example 50% off and people would buy them. Then they would have a flash sale for 90% off. People who bought the game for 50% off then refunded and bought it at 90% off. This resulted in lots of refunds steam had to process. Since they couldn't get rid of refunding games they got rid of flash sales.
MrHydrohead has a series of videos on their multi-year renovation project for their off grid domestic micro hydro power system. While not taking an existing on grid system off grid they renovate their failing off grid hydro system from 1996.
There are 3 short project summary videos the have notes that show which project video covers the topic they are discussing so you can find more information. One Two and Three
For cases where injury was sustained there is legal doctrine know as the Eggshell skull rule
The rule states that, in a tort case, the unexpected frailty of the injured person is not a valid defense to the seriousness of any injury caused to them.
Firefox Multi Account Containers
Video Speed Controller
Cookie AutoDelete
I keep seeing people saying that the LTT video came out first when all I can find supports that Madison's tweet came out first. Its likely LTT made and released the video before they were aware of the tweet.
The timestamps I can see (in my local time of -7)
Madison's tweet 11:09 PM · Aug 15, 2023
LTT video 2023-08-16 / 03:33:44
Madison's tweet came out 4 hours and 24 minutes before the video was published.
Additionally the Verge article states a similar timeline.
Linus Tech Tips posted its latest video at approximately 7AM ET. However, last night, at approximately 2AM ET, a former employee, Madison Reeve, posted a thread on X
When MKBHD broke the samsung galaxy fold phone he was reviewing and had to get a replacement from samsung to finish his review then didnt mention it in his review told me where his priorities lie. He values relationships with manufactures over providing information to consumers. Only after several reviewers posted about having broken the phone by removing a protective screen did he make a video about it where his fans praised him for for how honest he was. Here is the follow up video where he explains how he broke the phone and didn't mention it in his review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtqtyyGZvXM
He was in a video by JerryRigEverything about content creators and if they have ever damage their phones and I couldn't help but think about the review phone he broke when he says that he hasn't broken a phone in the last 5 years. He was probably talking about just personal phones but I thought it was funny especially when the video has the line "I wonder if any of my friends here on Youtube have ever broken a phone and just not told anyone about it." in the intro https://youtu.be/3oGJP9FMWAU?t=316
DDOS attacks. see the admin post for more info https://lemmy.world/post/2923697
To add context this isn't a hypothetical situation. In New York Two cops Eddie Martins and Richard Hall raped an 18 year old woman they had arrested for marijuana possession. They detained a group of teens, and let all of them go except for the woman who they then handcuffed and raped in the back of their police van. They then dropped her off in another location. She went to a hospital where a rape kit found semen matching the DNA of detectives Eddie Martins and Richard Hall. Both officers claimed that they did have sex with her, but it was consensual. Because it wasn't specifically illegal for police to have sex with someone they detained they were able to accept a plea deal for taking bribes and official misconduct where they got 5 years probation with no jail time. Because of this case New York unanimously passed a new law (SB S7708) making it so that a person “under arrest, detention or otherwise in actual custody” cannot consent to sex. In any other state that doesn't have a similar law it is essentially legal (as in it is not specifically illegal) for police to rape someone they arrested.
I didn't understand the hate Sucker Punch got until I found out that the theatrical release was cut down to a PG-13 movie. To make it PG-13 they had to cut the core themes from the movie since they were not PG-13 appropriate.
I had only watched the unrated directors cut and never saw the theatrical version so any time I talked about this movie people had no idea what I was talking about. The story and supporting scenes were completely gutted and that's why people say the movie didn't have a good story - it was removed.