john Yes that’s cool and all but omg what pillow are you using because I need that
88 0 Replyteegus 75 0 ReplyDeebster
I'm surprised that this is a genuine answer, I was expecting something else with a product name like that.
49 0 ReplyKnock_Knock_Lemmy_In 32 2 Replyyokonzo $200?!? fuck it, i bet i could sew that
5 0 ReplyRagingHungryPanda I've saved this post. I need this.
3 0 Reply
KeenSnappersDontCome Last time there was a discussion about arm pillows I bought one of them.
I don't use it as they depict but I do use some of the pillows.
8 0 Reply
Juice That sounds like Ehlers Danlos syndrome
33 0 ReplyFizz
Uh I do the same thing and my shoulders have different range of motion because of it. I thought it was just a fact of life
31 0 ReplyOkokimup
Do you have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?
9 0 ReplyBarrelAgedBoredom My wife has EDS and that comment sounds very familiar. ! you should look into Ehlers Danlos syndrome
3 0 ReplyFizz
I look it up and I definitely don't have that.
1 0 Reply
DragonTypeWyvern You know how some people complain they go to the doctor because it hurts when they do something and the doctor's advice is "Don't Fucking Do That Then?"
16 2 ReplyTrickDacy
I am now blind. I hate non-dark mode images.
13 26 Replystom Sorry Smeagol.
26 2 ReplyTrickDacy
Only smeagol doesn't enjoy staring at a light bulb...
4 4 Reply
MrFappy Idk where you uploaded this, but it refuses to load, so obviously as a rando on the internet, I must absolutely blame you. /s
5 26 ReplyAnActOfCreation is a very popular (especially on Lemmy) and reliable media hosting site. It happened to be down earlier today but it's back up now.
2 0 ReplyMrFappy Nothing posted there has ever worked with Memmy (the app I use) but everything else does, so idk why they don’t vibe. I also don’t understand all the hateful downvotes, I guess there’s a lot of new folks on here that don’t understand “/s” means I’m kidding. But morons gonna moron.
3 3 Reply