Posts 0
Comments 11
The United States is Falling Apart and the World is Taking Notice 1 0
Nah, I’ll be right. I’m very confident.
Yes, he really said it 10 0
Vague statement from you, what details are you going to give us?
Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. 6 0
There’s a plugin, and easy tutorials to follow online. It absolutely handles KFX.
The United States is Falling Apart and the World is Taking Notice 1 0
Keep speculating and watch other people be right on the money.
Google said it was too hard to target ads to people 17 1
Capitalism always involves exploiting people, and free market ideals exacerbate the issue.
The United States is Falling Apart and the World is Taking Notice 1 0
I think most of us see the writing on the wall, and are waiting for you to catch up and stop being in denial.
The United States is Falling Apart and the World is Taking Notice 3 0
It’s been less than a month, tell me how things are in a year.
"Today"= 18 Months Ago 6 0
The science, so far, says a god doesn’t exist when measured against the moving goal posts of religion.
French President Emmanuel Macron announces €100 billion investments in AI 1 0
A lot of comments in that YouTube thread for Devin are not positive.
The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking: Self-Reported Reductions in Cognitive Effort and Confidence Effects From a Survey of Knowledge Workers 4 0
This is The Patriots from Metal Gear Solid.