The United States is imploding. The reign of Donald Trump is not only challenging and threatening the very foundations of its constitutional democracy, it
In three weeks, Donald Trump has imploded whatever positive image the United States might have had internationally.
look man, i will be the first to admit that this is going downhill fast when it starts happening, my problem is that it hasnt yet happened, this is all speculative.
you are also welcome to speculate about what's going to happen, however you aren't you're forecasting the future as if you know exactly what's going to happen.
Unlike me, who will admit i'm wrong, and change my message, you won't admit you're wrong, and you'll pivot to the next talking point because it's the only thing that consumes your waking life.
whatever you say, i'll be right where i was in four year time if i'm correct, and not much will have changed for you. And if i was wrong, and you were right, we will both be dead by then.