I've been calling him the 'knob job nazi' after hearing about his fucked up wang
What the actual fuck, Kavin.
Ahaha I guess you can only resell skyrim so many times..
Looking forward to playing it, but I'm not paying for another goddamn fucking remake Todd. Yarr.
Mad that FPGA looks pretty cheap to toy around with thanks for letting me know!
I dream of making a SBC that has an FPGA and modular cable system to emulate as many device interfaces as possible
Absolutely loved that novel (novella?). The descriptive language really captures a lot of the theme, from the shipyard chained together into a shanty town to the description of Sols oven being modified to different energy sources as societies resources dwindled
Would absolutely recommend it, especially if you enjoyed soylent green
No I know, I'm personally going to boycott American products.
I just feel like it would appeal more if he imposed retaliatory tariffs, I know that the situation is more nuanced than that and we'd be stooping to the Oompa loompas level.
But I'm just hoping this doesn't give off the impression that Albanese is spineless with the upcoming election because we actually cannot afford to have another Liberal government in power so soon.
Probably not the smartest thing to say when everyones being squeezed to make ends meet.
We're really going to have Dutton for PM aren't we..
They're just two different flavours of evil, Morrison is a happy clapper pentecostalist "God favours the rich" evil and Dutton is an ex-corrupt cop who wants authoritarianism under his rule evil.
They both don't have the critical thinking to realise the damage they do or why men like them shouldn't hold positions of power, but Dutton following right out of Trumps playbook despite international backlash is a pretty good case for dumb-as-fuck syndrome.
But I agree, it's absurd that we have these stooges running for parliament I don't know how we got here..
I'd disagree, that's a talking point promoted by big oil/corpoghouls to encourage divide and conquer tactics and move perception away from the issues at hand.
There's been a concerted effort by petrochemical ghouls to hinder any progressive innovation that doesn't require oil for the last 100 years.
This paired with western societies exceptionalism and belief that it can live outside of nature and limited resources is the biggest driving factor behind the mass extinction event.
We need to radically rethink our society to cause effective change, it's hard to orchestrate that on the individual level but innovation that can offer convienent alternatives would cause the majority of people to reduce their carbon footprint without sacrificing quality of life.
At this point in time it is too late for us to continue living as we know it. Billions of people will now have to die, borders will be reshaped and our entire societies will become unrecognisable from what they are today, most likely for the worse.
I paint it out to sound like we should give up, but we absolutely should not. We have a choice to drag our heels kicking and screaming into the future at the detriment for all or we can continue fighting for a better world.
Morrison knew what he was doing, the sub deal was to poison the chalice before Labor gained the majority.
Unfortunately for the walking sack of salmonella and shitty curry, his wrangler (Murdoch) managed to sway the election enough to get the LNP back in power.
I have actually met Morrison in person once (friends of friends of friends) and he is a fucking moron but JFC he's at least a brain cell or two ahead of Dutton
desire to learn more DSP maths increases
But seriously that's really cool! You also sound really cool, do you mind me asking where your studies have taken you? I'm looking at going back to study soon, potentially for compsci and mechanical engineering but I'm torn between a lot of different degree at this moment
I don't think felons ever been in a fight before? I'm a pugilist, have had fights in the ring before but even I would be wary of fighting an ex-KGB judokan
I just hope it'd be a fight to the death.
My common solution to boot issues that lock me out is,
Get a USB Live distro (always good to have a backup lying around)
Boot into live distro
Chroot into the broken distro (Arch wiki has an article on this)
Fix any bugs that I can find and/or reinstall the bootloader
Test, repeat until the problem has been found and fixed
Hope it helps any newcomers!
"Ah shit I'm late to the party" - Reanimated Walt Disney probably.
Shit you've got my vote, I was trying to think of the most influential game in a positive light but this is actually it and it's depressing that it is.
Hopefully it wins its deserved title, it would make a loud statement that we're aware of the scummy business practices that have subverted the gaming industry since corpo-ghouls realised it was profitable.
Cool! I'd love to see what custom microcode comes of this. Especially in relation to the speculated backdoors on CPUs