For the longest time no, it took me years to accept that I'm ace and I felt disappointed that I may be lonely for the rest of my life. But recently I met the most wonderful ace girl whom I wouldn't have met otherwise, so I'm thankful for it now.
Not overwhelmed so much as after awhile the content in these open world games starts to feel too similar and I lose the motivation to finish. I think going forward I may stick to the "main quest" and only tackle side content if it's genuinely interesting rather than trying to complete everything, which can feel like a chore. I think a lot of it behind being overwhelmed as well is just sheer bloat/filler in some of these games.
It seems no matter how many channels I block there's always more annoying eyesore thumbnails, so this is fantastic.
I'm glad it's a few months release from now because with the ports of Pikmin 1 and 2 this is going to be the summer of Pikmin for me lol