Gnosis_Enjoyer @
Posts 0
Comments 6
Tales From the Tables episode 30: So where were we? Gnosis_Enjoyer 3 0
Great to see you here!
[Pf2e]Trying to make mounted kobold champion Gnosis_Enjoyer 1 0
Can't offer any mechanical help, but this character design is badass.
Reporting some of my favorite memes of old sub #1: I get to fix the math on this one Gnosis_Enjoyer 4 0
I'm usually not on board the "play an existing character" train but I'll be damned if this doesn't sound fun as hell.
Just reposting more stuff you've all seen but it doesn't really matter does it? Gnosis_Enjoyer 9 0
A pirate campaign I'm in has a player who is a sorcerer undercover as a wizard, which is also a fun angle.
With my recent de-modding and ban from the DnDMemes sub, I now have plenty of time to touch grass and help grow this community/instance. AMA I guess? Gnosis_Enjoyer 6 0
Thanks for fighting the good fight!