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Grammarly, ChatGPT and other useful for students sites for free?
  • gives you access to all the big services models in a limited capacity for free. Their paid tier is kind of expensive but you do get quite a lot of models for not a lot compared to if you bought all the platforms by themselves.

  • Piracy advice
  • If your provider supports SSL and you actually turn it on then no technically don't need a VPN for Usenet.

  • Do I really need a VPN for pirating?
  • I consider it more private than like a credit card at least your name's not attached to it.

    And if you really want to you can just use a credit card at an on-ramp exchange, then take that and swap it for a different crypto on a exchange that doesn't require any registration. Then it becomes effectively completely anonymous.

  • Do I really need a VPN for pirating?
  • Look in a Debird service. And pay with crypto.Then you are completely anonymous. All torrenting is done far from you and sent back over https.

  • Looking for good USENET primer
  • I use newsdemon as my primary provider with a few block accounts as backups.

    I would personally recommend sabnzbd as the downloader paired with sonarr and radarr to handle searching for TV and movies specifically. These are all web apps but they can be run on Windows but also could be running on something as simple as the raspberry pi and then remotely accessed from another computer in your network.

    You will also need a indexer, popular recommend ones are nzbgeek or dognzb. Most of these charge either a yearly or a lifetime sub fee but take that with a grain of salt, they often take it away.

  • Canada to announce all new cars must be zero emissions by 2035
  • Hope Canada has the political will to make this an actual reality.

    I don't think these kill all internal combustion engine by a set date policies are going to really work out. We're still in the "incentivize people stage" of switching not the "kill it off internal combustion engine completely stage". Most people don't buy new cars cuz they're just too expensive and there aren't a lot of used EV's that are affordable out there currently.

    And before anyone says I don't get the whole thing. I own an EV, I think there's quite a long way to actually convince people to get them as a replacement.

  • Twitch to terminate South Korean operations in 2024 due to high network fees
  • From what I understand domestic companies get a much better deal. As a result foreign companies get forced out like this.

  • Now that Plex is dead, where to find servers/what platform?
  • The US probably. Most home Internet doesn't go over 50mbs here.

  • Questions about lucky patcher
  • It depends on how the license works. Some use Google for licencing or there own servers. If it's Google it will work.