I am currently a student in a physical therapy assistant program and I am nearing graduation. I want to start studying for the board exam and there are several apps that are specifically made for this purpose. However, I am struggling financially and all these apps require a subscription service. I did some digging and found lucky patcher on reddit. Now for my questions: 1. does lucky patcher work on subscription based apps, or only one time fees? 2. Does lucky patcher have to run each time you use the app? 3. Is it safe?
If anyone has any other solutions that would be great.
According to FMHY and Piracy's megathread and my own experience, yes, but it never hurts scan every app you plan to install with VirusTotal and use only mods from known publishers, like Mixroot or Derrin.
That is pretty handy, but these apps actually use questions from old board tests. So I'm not just studying the information, but also getting familiar with how they write the questions. They are based more on critical thinking than just straight memorization.
Usually, lucky patcher can't get around this kind of in-app purchase (subscription). It normally works for apps that have a one time purchase (but some apps have protection against this kind of patch)
However, once the app is patched, you don't need to run Lucky Patcher every time.
Finally, about its safety; I have been using it for a while, and never had any problems with it, so I reckon it is safe to use.
One of the apps I'm looking for is a one time purchase. I downloaded lucky patcher but it seems to only work for apps I already downloaded. So apps that require a one time purchase before downloading can't be patched?
Do you actually mean "Paid Apps"? Because if that is the case, then Lucky Patcher can do nothing.
In your case you need to look for a cracked APK.
There are various websites that offer this kind of service. A quick search on Google can give you the answer for that (ex: "free APKs", or "cracked APKs")