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EphraimEscobar Ephraim

Careful Geist!

Murder is now terrorism

But I suppose your wealth is enough to vaporize your charges

Posts 6
Comments 17
Devils Panties 02/28/2025
  • In other news, do not use patreon, see if kofi is better for your interests.

  • The Decentralized Retro Content Project (DRCP)
  • The idea is that RetroTorrents allows downloads through torrents, while Vimm doesn't.

  • The Decentralized Retro Content Project (DRCP)
  • Yeah, is there is a better platform perhaps?

  • The Decentralized Retro Content Project (DRCP)
  • I just put a quick description in this post, I will add a "what" section when I can.

  • The Decentralized Retro Content Project (DRCP)
  • (It sounds brilliant but) No, its a website like the pirate bay, nowhere finished atm... has magnet links

    1 magnet = 1 Compressed ROM

    Use a torrent client

    Download compressed ROM

    Play the game

    Seed the torrent

    No need to decompress a .7z or .zip file from vimm or myrient, the ROM file is already compressed and ready to play.

  • The Decentralized Retro Content Project (DRCP)

    "Video Game Preservation" "Until the end of time" "Only at" A side project with a limited budget (I am just someone in the Principality of Sealand, doing this for fun) The Decentralized Retro Content Project (DRCP) What Why How When To-Do Join our S...

    The Decentralized Retro Content Project (DRCP)

    I am well pleased to inform a new concept for Emulation, ROM and Torrent enthusiasts, if you want to see behind the scenes, join our Simplex Group!

    For context, it will be a website with magnet links to download compressed ROM files through a torrent client, like a .rvz ROM file for Wii and GameCube games in the dolphin emulator and so on.

    For all that have the same goal, shall unite as one.

    All thanks to Peter sunde and Njalla for the domain!


    Has anyone managed to get I2PD or I2P working with libretorrent? (Android client)

    Although a computer is better, there might be great potential for smartphones to participate in the swarm. But there seems to be some complications.

    Someone did make a torrent client for iOS 16+ devices named 'iTorrent' but there is no mention of I2P.

    (Request) How should I develop a bittorrent tracker?
  • You have a point, but to be honest my only concern for this project would be hiding from the ESA.

  • (Request) How should I develop a bittorrent tracker?
  • Can't tell you right now.

    PHP can be old but it is still taught at schools, are there other languages I should use?

  • (Request) How should I develop a bittorrent tracker?

    I found out JSON could work as a small local database, thinking of storing records of at least 1135 cars, televisions and handbags, while allowing downloads through magnet links.

    I would like to see if there are projects that have already done this or if a standard database with SQL and PHP is better.

    Best Qbittorrent Search engine plugins?
  • There are unofficial search plugins for qBitorrent here and they work well

    But I prefer using

  • Have you seen The Pirate Bay Series? (2024)
  • I think it was made by a TV company

  • Have you seen The Pirate Bay Series? (2024)
  • It depends, I have no idea if the founders even helped with the writting.

  • Have you seen The Pirate Bay Series? (2024)
  • It attempts to show events that TPB AFK didn't show perfectly like the reasons of creating the website or other events like raids of other file sharing website at the time

  • Have you seen The Pirate Bay Series? (2024)
  • Magnificent

    I will be linking your remux to my rentry page, the other one with Russian dub and subs will stay as a copy!

  • Have you seen The Pirate Bay Series? (2024)
  • aHR0cHM6Ly9yZW50cnkuY28vVGhlLVBpcmF0ZS1CYXk=

  • Have you seen The Pirate Bay Series? (2024) The Pirate Bay

    Tre unga killar skapar världens största fildelningssajt – The Pirate Bay. När Hollywood inser att deras gamla affärsmodell är förstörd slår de tillbaka. Serien är baserad på och inspirerad av verkliga händelser.

    The Pirate Bay

    I know they are not the original actors, but the acting and enviroment look really good in my opinion. It's a shame you can only play it on sweden, goodluck with that!

    Anyway, I here is a Base64 encoded link to a page so you guys can watch both the 2013 documentary and the 2024 Series with english subtitles, regardless on the country or planet or species.


    If anyone is willing to upload the subtitles to another cloud service as a mirror, let me know.

    Gracie by Tyson Tan (Concept artist of most open-source mascots)
  • Just thought to share it since I couldn't find someone mentioning her in here. The quality is definetly higher than the reposts aswell

  • Gracie by Tyson Tan (Concept artist of most open-source mascots)

    I cannot find the original but here is their Bluesky:

    Here is a fan art:

    Online backup (public domain):

    Originally requested by a variant of gazelle (tracker):

    Fully playable Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Wii build leaks online
  • Hi pink guy, can you send it to me through I can create a rentry page with a download link as a torrent and direct download. 🩷