Tre unga killar skapar världens största fildelningssajt – The Pirate Bay. När Hollywood inser att deras gamla affärsmodell är förstörd slår de tillbaka. Serien är baserad på och inspirerad av verkliga händelser.
I know they are not the original actors, but the acting and enviroment look really good in my opinion. It's a shame you can only play it on sweden, goodluck with that!
Anyway, I here is a Base64 encoded link to a page so you guys can watch both the 2013 documentary and the 2024 Series with english subtitles, regardless on the country or planet or species.
If anyone is willing to upload the subtitles to another cloud service as a mirror, let me know.
He (Peter Sunde) wasn’t impressed. “To be honest, I’m very disappointed. Sure it’s fictional, but what does that really mean when they use your name, quote you on things you’ve said, and then portray you completely different?” he tells us.
So realized that the season pack from deadorbit uses subs from opensubtitles which seems to be missing on screen text translations and title-cards, so I remuxed in the subs OP linked - which appears to have been edited to include title-cards and on screen text - to replace the ones in the deadorbit pack. Here's a base64-ed link to a paste with the magnet for that if anyone wants it since I already went through the work for my own collection - it's 1080p web-dl x264 8 bit AC3 5.1
Edit: since torrents can be slow to start, here's a direct download link on mega, if you download that way consider grabbing the torrent from the first link and pointing your torrent client to the downloaded files. And of course feel free to repost and reshare everything:
Is it good?
I'm afraid it'll be one of those where it takes a real story and twists it so much for entertainment sake it'll barely resemble what actually happened
It attempts to show events that TPB AFK didn't show perfectly like the reasons of creating the website or other events like raids of other file sharing website at the time