Oh I really like this. I never had an alias for this since I need to do multiple backwards cds very rarely, but I might just copy this
Jellyfin has it too!
Starship is great! I use it with zsh
Congratulations, now I want to compile perl out of curiosity
I'm not the author of the project but this has nothing to do with copying files around. Instead it's a clipboard manager, meaning it's to add things to your clipboard and then paste them elsewhere. So an app to manage your ctrl-C - ctrl-v
I could totally look this up, but for the sake of conversation: what consequences does the presence of microplastics have? I honestly don't know
Otherwise everything feels like a waste of time; like I'm misssing out on something else, something better, while doing it.
This makes me think that the real issue isn't that your attention span is small and you get bored or can't pay attention, but that you can't "slow down" and enjoy what you are doing that moment and instead you keep thinking "I could be doing this, or that".
Seems to me like these are two different problems (mind you I'm not an expert or anything, just sharing an observation I made)