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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 11
What were the names your parents were going to name you that didn't make the cut?
  • Not the answer to your question, but my family had a tradition of passing the same name down for generations (think this is pretty common?). Every other person just ended up going by a nickname, but it was still sooo confusing. Always getting calls for someone else and having to explain that, yeah my name is "abc", but I go by "xyz". I felt a little guilty, but we did not pass that tradition on to our kids.

  • Feeling lost and with no direction, what skill should I learn?
  • Are you looking for a new career as well? Or just a hobby? I sit in front of a computer all day and always thought being an electrician would be kind of neat. Decent money, get to work with your hands, and still some problem solving involved.

    Edit: If you're looking for more of a hobby, volunteer conservation work may also be something to look into. Something like trail work. I did a few stints in my younger years, and they were transformative experiences for me. The folks who do this type of work are super interesting and passionate in my experience, and it can rub off on you.