Well you're certainly not
Echo chambers don't end well. But they need to be ended.
To break up the echo chamber. To me, silence is acceptance and downvoting their posts as I scroll by doesn't feel like enough.
Finally some good news for once
Ha, awesome. They'll be deleted when you're banned but I like your enthusiasm! +1 to each and every one of them if I could. After all, I'm banned too.
Heh, 24 hours, they let you off easy
When you're wrong as often as they are, it must get tiring
Tell them I sent you. That'll probably be enough to get you banned for "Ban Evasion" because they think somebody's running a sock puppet thing or whatever. I don't know, I was permanently banned for that reason when I pointed that Obama actually WASN'T separating children from their parents under a blanket policy at the border. Being right really triggers them.
It's full of bad faith arguments, putting rules before humanity, the strictest possible interpretation of those rules, and they LOVE to put words in your mouth or waste your time asking for resources that they won't read and will just respond "What are you even talking about?" because they've already moved the goal posts. Their newest mod spent his first hour as a mod getting in fights about Hunter Biden's laptop and is so vehemently against tax increases because he's one of the rich whose taxes would probably go up. He'll gladly tell you that the rich are already paying TOO MUCH and they wouldn't benefit from paying more.
But, hey, at least they ban the R word and homophobia.
This conversation is held daily over in the echo chamber known as !conservative@lemm.ee
Careful, winning an argument with a mod earns a free lifetime ban.
We need to shut down the echo chambers.
My oldest friend is gay. We met in kindergarten I think. I don't remember meeting him, he's just always been there. Cut to last year when my parents were saying they "don't approve of that lifestyle" and I asked them "Well, what about [this friend]?" They know he's gay, but since he doesn't have an accent or a limp wrist they don't seem to care. He lives down the street. We both went into the tech field. We hike. We're each married to our own spouses. We have pets. I pointed all this out and told them "if you disapproved of his lifestyle, you'd also disapprove of mine. It's not the LIFESTYLE, it's the IDENTITY you don't approve of." I haven't talked to my parents since. I'm ashamed to be related to them.
At this point it's less about trusting Snowden and more about not trusting Russia. I wouldn't put it past Russia to find a way to speak on his behalf and say what they want with his voice, power, and reach. That's tantalizing. AI, Photoshop, social media posts, whatever. He's under their control willingly or otherwise.
The 2 states I always saw as retirement states, Florida and Arizona, have become hotbeds of the stupidest legislation I've ever lived through. The whole generation just needs to go.
Because I like to imagine the world as a better place.
Think about the quality of life you could give your workers if you took even ONE billion of that and split it across the 140K employees Tesla has.
Every single employee could get a ~$7000 bonus.
I don't know why Elon thinks he needs 56B. If he only gets 20B, that'd be $250K per employee.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, poetry, but who are we eating first? Where's the action?