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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 8
Unity apologises.
  • I look at it like this. Companies, and media frankly, are under no obligation to tell the truth. That doesn't mean they are lying it just means if it's more profitable to lie they will. Basically, lying is on the table and they are only interested in getting your money.

  • Pornhub goes dark in Arkansas after age verification law kicks in
  • It needs to be done at school. Sex is a part of lives (we don't have more humans without it.) By teaching kids about sex (in an age approprate way) they can learn how to have sex responsibilty, how to see the signs that someone has ill intentions (no one touches you there without permission etc...), as well as the importance of consent. Teens are going to have sex so we might as well prepare them for it.