Going to a monkey beach after a monkey attack on that beach? To me that sounds crazy. You may also say its a little looney. Quite daft. A silly decision. And dare I say it? Bananas?
As someone from Thailand, monkeys here are no joke. They are mean and act like a mafia gang. There are many places like this; tour guides always warn you not to bring your bags down with you and leave them in the car. Monkeys will suspect you have food in your bags and snatch them away.
A world news article by Associate Producer Savannah Meacham titled Aussie family regrets visiting a beach notorious for monkey attacks after being attacked by monkeys at a famous monkey attack beach in Thailand.
Below the title is a paused video with two photos side by side, the left one shows a person bent over with a long-tailed macaque running at them, while the photo on the right shows a woman with her hand over her mouth, looking shocked.
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I have been to one monkey sanctuary in Thailand, exactly once. As the locals told me: it is fun for about an hour and you have no desire to ever do it again.
All I could think after reading the article is a bout the lipsync song "Stop It Now". I had to ask ChatGPT for a version for this, here is the beginning:
Rockin', rockin', on the shore so fine,
To the beach in Thailand, we'd align,
But those monkeys came, causing a bind,
I said, "Monkeys, hey! Leave us behind!"
Everyone warned us, "Don't head there, beware,"
"Monkeys gonna come, with a wild glare,"
And they did,
and they did,
and they tore through the air,
No escape from those monkeys, just despair.
Nothing to do, but shout as they pounced on me,
Tried to flee, fell down,
laughter from kids did we see,
Then, hmm, got hit in the neck with a coconut spree,
Mm-hm, hm-hm, how'd it happen? Baffling to me.
Gotta dash, dash, dash (leap)
I'll be your backpack while you hurry,
Dash, dash, dash, leap, and stop! Let me go free.