I really liked the game something like 15 years ago. But it seems like a bad idea to get back into it now with only a few very dedicated players left.
Ah, thanks for the info. That's an interesting development. I really liked this episode.
What I didn't get was what the Lumon guy with the "Frolic" tattoo on his hand was looking at. It's at around 36:30. Was it at Irving's place? Info about severed people, apparently.
I disagree. Improving an existing concept and changing it to make it more practical or easier to produce for example is innovation.
The examples you gave in the introduction are examples of that: The parts that make an automobile existed when it was invented and you could argue again that it wasn't a completely novel idea but an improvement of the steam engine and horse-drawn vehicles.
The airplane massively relied on improvements in engine and material design.
Your assessment that innovations used to be completely original in their design and are not any more is a fallacy.
I really like the 3rd and subsequent 4th panel. It would be worse with only three, imho.
I'm not saying NATO would but they did intervene in Kosovo. That was not defensive. There's some wiggle room in being a defensive pact.
I prefer if you refer to procrastination as "working in mysterious ways". That's what I'll do from now on.
Those are symptoms of a society in capitalism. Capitalism doesn't hate you. It doesn't acknowledge you except for you ability to create wealth.
I know it's a meme but for the sake of discussion I want to say that capitalism is without emotion. It's also without moral. It has no intentions of consuming nature or harming us, it just does. Growing profits is the only goal. Everything else is essentially irrelevant. It's more like a virus than a thinking being with emotions.
Danke dir. Schwimmen habe ich lange intensiv betrieben. Vielleicht wird es Zeit, dass ich mich wieder bei einem Verein anmelde.
Das Problem kenne ich. Leider hat der Artikel keine Antwort, wie das Problem zu lösen ist oder anderweitig interessante Einblicke.
Ja, ich habe da schon mal was bestellt. Beim letzten Mal Landkarten. Die gab es kostenlos. Ein tolles Angebot.
Richtig gut, auch die Aufbereitung. Vielen Dank! Ich bin auf Baustellen der Nation gespannt.
You mean like a hermit? I think that's a rare fantasy. But if you want to do it, sure, go for it. Isn't there a lot of space and wilderness in Canada?
The issue, as I see it, is that most people struggle to envision a society beyond capitalism. Capitalist ideology is embedded in every aspect of our lives. It appears in our mindset, in books, movies, and even in children's television shows. The narrative that anyone can succeed if they work hard enough, and that poverty is simply the result of laziness, is both powerful and pervasive.
The idea that everyone should live in isolated cabins is neither a realistic vision nor a desirable goal for society.
That's a nice quote, thank you. I looked into it. It's by Andrew Collier:
To look at people in capitalist society and conclude that human nature is egoism, is like looking at people in a factory where pollution is destroying their lungs and saying that it is human nature to cough.
Agreed. The reviews are way too good for a Civ game on release. Would be the first in a while that doesn't need DLCs to be really good.
That would be amazing for cheese production!
I agree with you on that, late stage capitalism in full bloom. I was thinking about the time multiple decades ago, at the beginning of the last century.
It is really sad to see that we as a society are past our prime in multiple areas. At least when looking at it from a "western" perspective. And when I consider the political climate it seems that things have to get a whole lot worse before they can get better. I resonate with the shower thought.