I don't know but what Amok Time was Spock's first pon farr. Vulcans age and mature more slowly than humans, right?
At first I was thinking, "I thought we had all agreed that we did not approve of hijinx" and I am totally unable to enjoy cringe humor. It doesn't make me laugh, just...cringe.
BUT it turned out that it was in service of advancing two of Spock's most intimate relationships and wow, that packed a punch. It was like, for us 21st century humans, the first time you looked at your parent and saw them as a fully fleshed-out adult with their own struggles, not just "mom" or "dad".
T'Pring was 100% right to feel slighted by Spock not confiding in her, though I don't think it was lack of trust on his part, I think it was more not wanting to have both of them in a situation where they had to deal with...hijinx. But that's what marriage is, committing yourself to another person first, always. And apparently Spock is not ready for that yet.
"Yet" implying that's an existing feature request in the queue for implementation? I hope?
Hi, this might be a silly question - no strike that, it's definitely a silly question but one I can't figure out: is there any way to change the default sort order of comments from "Hot"? Because I'm old, I'm used to a chrono ascending view and it would be nice not having to remember to change it every time I enter a new thread.