His obsession with the letter X is like that middle school kid who used to talk about how many girlfriends he got and how good he is at being a bad ass...
Basically, he's a less likeable version of Zane from Hypnospace Outlaw.
Narrator: You imagine throwing a burlap sack over his head. His underlings would be extremely displeased with you, but he wouldn't put up much of a fight himself.
Narrator: You can think of someone who would be extremely pleased with your offering, however.
Elon: You're looking at me funny. Is there something you need?
[THE DARK URGE] Give in to your desires.
[PERSUASION] I have an investment opportunity that I think you would be interested in.
I started a DU playthrough and laughed almost as hard as I alt-F4ed the first time I picked one of those fantasize options and saw what happened. 10/10 addition to the dialogue tree
The problem is, is that if you engage with anyone outside of the internet, they have no fucking idea what you're talking about when you call it "X".
It's so fucking stupid of a name. Even worse than Facebook changing to Meta.
You can ask people to call it "X" all day, every day, but you can't just change the name of your brand/product to a single letter, that people use every day for other things, and expect it to work out for you.
Facebook the product is still Facebook. The only name that changed was that of the company that owns Facebook, which makes sense as that holding company also runs other products like Instagram.
Google made a similar move in 2015 when it created Alphabet to hold the non Google parts of Google.
In both cases the renaming was on the coorporate side. They made no effort to loose the old trademark, and continue to operate under it today.
The only high profile case that comes to mind that is simmilar to Twitter is when Comcast rebranded itself as Xfinity in 2010. In that case, it worked because: A) Comcasts reputation was way worse than Twitters and B) people don't have that much of an option anyway. In the otherhand, the rebranding failed in the sense that everyone still knows them as Comcast.
Largely true but as a small aside, Google is still a company (within Alphabet). Alphabet is purely a corporate structure, and all branding still has Google on it. Whereas Facebook is now only a product, Meta is the company brand with its own logo and products named directly after it (like Meta Quest).
In defense of Zuckerberg -- and there's something I never thought I'd say -- they changed the name of the company so that they could introduce new brands. They were not dumb enough to rebrand the successful products. It's just now Facebook by Meta.
An imbecile narcissist. He probably thought he could literally take over the mindshare of "x". Megalomania seems like his brand, though, so no surprises there.
I'm so tired of these woke CEOs and their snowflake whining over misgendering their companies. There's the name that a company is assigned at birth, and I'll be damned if I'm going to change the way I've always called them (for my whole life and ALL of god-fearing Christian history) because some liberal snowflake CEO one-day wakes up and simply declares, "twitter is now X" ffs.
The facts of the birth incorporation certificate, DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS little pissant mUsK... GET OVER IT!
Oh, that's what that was about? I honestly just assumed Starry was some crap knock-off that the restaurant just happened to have that day. Not really sure what the motive would be or why they'd expect the reaction to rebranding a nearly 20yr old product would be any other assumption. I'm going to disagree with them. They should be glad I'm not calling them Sprite.
X post by user The Chaser @chaser reading: 'Stop calling it Twitter' says guy who deadnames his own child. Underneath is a photo of Elon Musk's face with a barely visible Tesla logo in the background and the link to the article at chaser.com.au
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That’s going to happen anyway when he enables The Code, he just has to wait for enough people to buy them to save the climate he’s actively helping destroy with rockets, then he gets all them tree hugger no good hippies in one go!
Sure Elon, I can provide this service to you for just $8/month. It's great value honestly, I have expenses to continue to run my life and just $8 will happily contribute towards that.
No. I'm exercising my Musk-given right of ultimate free speech and will continue calling it Twitter, just because I feel like it. Musk would be proud of me standing up against censorship. Oh wait..
Yep. One of many reasons I'm not catering to the whims of a billionaire and calling it what he wants it to be called. It's going to continue to be Twitter as far as I'm concerned.
Nope, Vivian Jenna Wilson, Musk's adult daughter who changed her name and disowned him because of how he treated her as a trans person. Imagine how awful that must be to disassociate yourself from the richest man in the world.
"I'm so sick of these people who won't stop thinking or talking about people who won't stop thinking or talking about annoying guy" say people who are talking about people who won't stop thinking or talking about annoying guy.
No. In fact we should continue to make fun of it. It's stupid. Twitter was a hellsite before Elon. Now it's dying due to his stupid decisions. He's foing the things I used to joke about doing if i owned a website
So glad i never used twitter. The only elon musk thing i follow is spacex even then i wish he wasn't the ceo of it but he is mr money bags so it is what it is. Anything for space exploration.
When a trans person comes out, their dead name is the name they've abandoned in favor of their chosen name. Deadnaming someone is calling them by their old name. When done intentionally, it's considered incredibly rude.
Musk has a trans child whom he refuses to refer to by their chosen name, and he complains that people refuse to call his company by its new name.
At the risk of getting sued, this is how Elon runs his businesses.
Shows up late to nearly every meeting, and then will ridicule his management team for wasting his time.
He'll blow millions of dollars on an incredibly stupid idea that doesn't work and every expert in the room advised him against and then he'll turn around and fire managers for not saving pennies on a part.
He constantly lies to investors, customers and government agencies by promising things he knows he cannot deliver and then will fire managers for not setting achievable goals.
Fuck this piece of shit. He deserves everything that's coming to him.
Deadnaming is when you intentionally call a trans person by their birth name rather than the name they chose when they transitioned. Musk has a trans daughter who has disowned him. You can imagine what kind of a a father he must have been for her to have disowned the world's richest man.
Calling a trans person who has chosen a new name in accordance with their actual gender (instead of the one they were assigned at birth) by their birth name is called deadnaming and if done deliberately is really hurtful and disrespectful.
15 years as Twitter, followed by a maybe 2 year death spiral named as X. History will call it just Twitter, the thing named X is already almost a different service.
I just pronounce the new name as “ks” since that’s the sound which the letter X generally makes and it irritates sycophants. Also, if the site URL still has Twitter as its base then it’s still an acceptable name
I really like the idea of calling it either Twitter or Ten, because at least it's a word and it's certainly not what the chief twat had in mind either way.
“Love” is a strong word but it was incredibly useful for gaming news and is the site all the Tumblr artists flocked to when Yahoo banned female presenting nipples.