“It’s horrible for everybody. Yeah, I lost my son, it’s harder on our family, but I don’t want the rest of her life ruined too. It isn’t going to make me feel any better,” he said.
As hard as it is to say something like that... we need more people like this.
I don’t think he's saying she shouldn't be accountable and face consequences. He's said he didn't want her to spend life in jail. That's going to be pretty radical for a lot of folks.
Some people are going to think that life in prison or the death penalty should be the minimum consequence. Others are going to think that even a monster like this can repent, change and (unlike her victims) be allowed to live free eventually.
I witnessed this in a case. Young driver wasn't paying attention and crossed the line, struck head on and killed an elderly woman on her way to chemotherapy, no joke.
On the recommendation and impassioned pleas of the victim's family, the defendant plead a manslaughter charge down to a $75 fine for failure to maintain lane or some such infraction. I don't remember all the facts but was struck by the forward thinking and empathy. The young driver was truly remorseful, part of the pleas were that he had suffered enough, that the memory of what he had done was punishment enough.
I can't believe I'm being held responsible for my actions!!
If this were a case of a young driver who was driving irresponsibly fast and lost control of the car, killing their friends, that would be one thing. This is a 17 year old who repeatedly threatened her boyfriend with killing him while driving in the weeks before the accident, who made no attempt to avoid/stop ramming at full speed into a large building.
It's a shame she's not a male athlete with a promising swimming career. Might have gotten off with having to take a remedial driving course and paid a small fine.
Honestly, if she hadn’t threaded to kill her boyfriend with her car before this happened, then I think suspending her license for a decade or two or may be life would be the right solution. Prison shouldn’t be a punishment, but a way to keep everyone else safe from dangerous people. If she won’t drive, then she isn’t a danger. But it sounds like she’s dangerous no matter what.
The trial featured surveillance video played in court showing the moment Shirilla accelerated towards the building without stopping, until a gut-wrenching crash is heard.
Anyone capable of doing this deserves prison time.
Yes, it absolutely should be. I can't stand people who think the criminal justice system shouldn't dole out punishments, but should only aim to rehabilitate people. You folks have absolutely no empathy for victims. Punishments are important, because criminals cause suffering to other people. The entire concept of justice is based on the idea that criminals should suffer at least a modicum of the harm they do to others as payment for their crimes. Over the centuries, we have done away with the "eye for an eye" model of punishment and decided that the worst sentences we can hand down are execution and life in prison, and most people today aren't actually in favor of execution. Spending your life in prison is a slap on the wrist compared to being murdered.
I'm sure this girl could be rehabilitated within a few years. Under your model, she'd walk free while the parents and siblings of her victims were still trying to recover mentally from what she did to their families. Your lack of empathy for them is repugnant. You should feel ashamed.
Just remember Ethan Couch in 2013 diagnosed with Afluenza, A condition where someone is too rich to understand the consequences of their actions.
He was 16. He and a bunch of friends went to Walmart. They stole beer and drove drunk. He killed 4 people on the side of the road. A passenger in his car suffered brain damage and was paralyzed.
This kid was sentenced with a 10 year parole. He violated that parole by going to a party to drink. He and his mom fled to Mexico to avoid punishment. He was captured and then given a 720 day sentence in prison.
He murdered 4 people and paralyzed one of his friends. He got parole. Violated parole. Fled the country. And then was given 2 years in prison.
This is how you know that being rich sets you up for life. It doesn't matter what they'll do - it'll end up a slap on the wrist at best. The system is unjust and corrupt.
The Ohio teenager dubbed "hell on wheels" — who was convicted of intentionally crashing her car at 100 mph into a building, killing her boyfriend and his friend — was sentenced to two concurrent 15 years to life sentences Monday.
Judge Russo shared blistering remarks and condemned Shirilla's actions saying: “She had a mission, and she executed it with precision. The mission was death.”
Judge Russo said in handing down her verdict remarks that Shirilla was “literal hell on wheels,” saying she intentionally drove at an hour when not many witnesses would be around, on a path she didn't routinely use but had visited days before.
Prosecutors argued in the trial that Shirilla had become turbulent and threatening towards her boyfriend and crashed to end their relationship.
Misleading as hell titles for this running around. I thought she was just driving fast based on what I saw in the headlines last week. She totally deserves the murder charges.
Look I'm all for rehabilitation, but she's 19 currently, which places her at 16-17 for the murder, without doing more research. By all means, she should receive psychiatric care and rehabilitation should be attempted, but we shouldn't have our hopes up. And while that's going on, she must be kept imprisoned -- mercy should not come at the expense of the innocence. Someone who makes a threat and then consciously speeds up to kill someone with a car is dangerous to society.
Something else I've come to learn is that unfortunately, punishment is necessary. Someone who's prone to angry outbursts of racism and hate needs to understand that it's absolutely unacceptable and they need to change. If you keep giving them a slap on the wrist each time, they won't take it seriously, as compassionate as you are and as much as you try to convince them to change their ways.
This woman will be like 70 paying for the sins of a crazy 17 year old she doesn't know or understand. Reminds me of Shawshank Redemption. I can feel bad for the victims while also empathizing with the life of the perp being lost and wasted as well
I went through some pretty turbulent relationship shit when I was that young. One time my girlfriend was so mad at me she opened the car door while we were traveling at freeway speed. She didn’t jump, but still… I feel like I brushed up against this level of crazy even in just the course of my rather average teenage years.
Yeah I was wondering if I was the only one thinking “mentally unfit and not even a legal adult.”
People are all on fire about the fact that she threatened it beforehand therefore it’s open and shut murder. But crazy people are capable of making threats.
It does not say "Police arrived 45 minutes after it was reported". From that statement alone we have no idea how long between the crash and someone seeing it and reporting.
I always enjoy when people lash out with 'you must be smarter' troll bait from a simple observation.
Side note; I've stayed in Strongsville many times when traveling for work in Cleveland. It's not a huge burb by any means, and it's also not 'empty' or completely devoid of life. I certainly wouldn't think there were areas I could crash my car and not have anyone report it over half an hour.
FYI I'm only replying to you to hopefully educate you. If you pop your mouth off with more trollish bullshit it's just going to be insta ignore. But by all means...
Luck, car engineering, and medical science. She was seriously injured. Was she trying to kill herself, I have no idea. Clearly needs mental health treatment which she's not likely to get in prison. Not that I think she should be free either.
Yeah, I don't get it either. Even if she's got a serious mental health condition, the odds of her not understanding that everyone in that car was likely to die are slim to none. Being unbalanced enough to be willing to end your own life, but not so unbalanced that you've already been committed or ostracized by your loved ones, is just so hard for me to comprehend.
How is she eligible for release if she’s found guilty of two murders? Or 15 years rather than something like 40? Murder is one of the few things I think should carry a punitive sentence rather than rehab.
Giving them a chance to change is very different than granting leniency. She should have a serious opportunity at rehabilitation, but she shouldn't be free in society unless you'd feel safe leaving her with your loved ones unattended.
We should grant mercy as often as we can, but it can never come at the expense of the innocent. I'd rather let a murderer who has genuinely changed die in prison than release a supposedly changed murderer who kills again. I'm certainly not volunteering to be that person's neighbor if they're released on good behavior.
I imagine it's her age. She wasn't even legally an adult, not that that excuses it. Losing all her 20s and most of her 30s basically means if she does get out at exactly 15 years she's probably much screwed her whole life even setting aside the felony on her record. Her life will look nothing like she imagined.
That's even ignoring what being in prison for that long will do to you mentally. From what I've heard, it's almost a whole other world in there.
I can't imagine getting out after spending 15 years of my life in prison, and being able to keep the same quirks and mannerisms. Everything is just different. It's tough for fully grown adults to transition through, let alone someone who spent the last half of their teens.
That being said, neither of those two dead people will ever get to see a sunrise again. They'll never get to feel the wind on their face, or tell their parents that they love them. For what?
Intentionally murdering innocent people is despicable and soulless. I hope that they give her a lot of therapy and mental help in there. What a tragic end for such young lives.
Hadn't heard of this case before but damn, when a judge gives you concurrent cause they think you're the type of person to get time added onto your sentence is damming af
The sentence was 15 years to life, implying that in order for her to get out she will need to be paroled. She won't get out automatically. The judge's statements are on the record now so it is very unlikely, even if she is a model prisoner, that they will grant her parole in 15 years. Probably more like 20-25.
I feel for the father of the boyfriend. While clearly grieving for his son, he made a statement that he didn't want her in jail for life, because it's not like it would fix anything.
I'm torn on that, it comes down to motive. If it was an accident then she shouldn't be going to jail at all. If it was deliberate as contended - she was charged with murder after all - then it's shocking and strays into pathological territory - in which case should she ever be released?
I think the father would be right if it had been involuntary manslaughter but to be charged with murder for a car crash is highly unusual. Having said that it's possible this was an inappropriate charge and judgement and might get overturned on appeal.
What does that actually mean “15 years to life”? A minimum of 15 years with the possibility to be released on parole for the first time after 15 years and - if she doesn’t get it - she could also spend her whole life in prison? I didn’t understand the addition “to life” in the sentence.
I've never understood that. How is serving sentences concurrently at all the same punishment? Are there cases where someone has two sentences that can be ruled either to serve consecutively or concurrently? Who makes that decision and what goes into it?
Indeed. What I intended when I said that was that the judge thought consecutive wouldn't even be needed because she's going to be spending way more than 15 in prison.
A dig simular to if a judge only fined someone $1k instead of $10 and saying "you still won't be able to pay 1k"
Totally deserved. I have been the passenger in a similar situation to this - shit was horrifying. I got 100000000% lucky that I wasn't injured in the crash.
On a side note: this is also why teenagers should not be driving cars. She was 17 and able to driver her friends around? WTH?
Until she's 18 she should not have a driver's license
Once 18 she should, until 21, only be able to drive around with an adult over 21 next to her to monitor her driving
Cars are 2 tonnes of death on wheels, why do we allow irresponsible teenagers to play around with that?
Well then again, this is the US were talking about, teenagers can get near military grade weapons as well and nothing ever goes wrong with that, so what am I complaining about rite?
The vast majority of teenagers are fine and require transportation to get to work/school. I wouldn't argue against restrictions on passengers but completely stripping them of driving would fuck up so many things. How does a 18-21 year old get back and forth to college without a car for example?
Public transportation is the standard here in europe for that kind of stuff, almost nobody among my classmate come by car. They all use the tramway, busses or bikes
That is an Americas problem. All the cities there are very badly designed, just for cars. In Europe (holy hell, the Netherlands) you can get everywhere by bike or public transportation or just plain walking and it's awesome. In the US things are the way they are because of bad city design and lack of any public transportation.
Yes, minimum driving age should be 18 and even then require adult supervision.
It doesn't matter what age is it. It's not like people suddenly stop being reckless and careless at 21. I've heard enough horror stories of people who are way ahead of legal age doing dangerous stuff.
Generally speaking, people get more responsible when they get older. Yes of course there are exceptions, some people bever grow up, but seriously... Giving a 16 year old a sports car? Are they nuts?
In Germany you can drink beer before you can drive a car. Usually people still will kill people with a car when they are old enough to drive. Drunk or not.
Point is that young people cause disproportionally more accidents due to lack of experience driving, lack of experience living, lack of knowledge, and lack or responsibility
How can they convict someone on lack of evidence that they are innocent? She could have passed out for what ever reason and was not in control at all. A shocking travesty of life and justice imo.
Edit: Just saw how she looked in makeup of her own choosing. Eek. Amend the above to read "I'd let her drive me into a building, as long as she was restricted to wearing light makeup by an attorney who wishes her to make a good impression in court, and most expressly was not wearing those ridiculous fake eyelashes"
What a beacon of sunshine you are. Nothing stopped you from just scrolling past if you didn't want to read it, or unsubbing/blocking it. For someone who doesn't give a shit, you sure had to let everyone know you don't.