My cat fuckin loves tummy rubs. He plops on the floor on his back in front of me and eats em up without ever doing that crazy cat thing where he changes his mind and attacks, unless I explicitly provoke it. He also lets me touch his tail and has no qualms with my clipping his claws, though sometimes he just gets done sitting in my lap making the claws harder to clip. But if I get him I. The right state he just dgaf and let’s me clip them all.
My cat will let me touch and pet him anywhere. He will get up and walk away if he's done with it. I'll roll him around on the floor like a rolling pin or play the bongos on his belly or butt. Sometimes he will want to play rough and will play bite and bunny kick my hand but it's never actual aggression.
My friends cat will let you pet him quite rough but he doesn't like his belly or back legs pet. He will gently let you know with a kind nip and a little yip sound. Hasn't been hissy or scratchy but I think it's because he knows me and we are pals.
Allowing belly rubs is a sign of deep trust from a cat you didn't raise, or a sign of a comfortable, secure cat with no doubts about the safety and continuation of their home and family. It's a no-no for strangers to the cat, but if your cat is letting you, it's a sign of the secure bond between you two.
The cats I raised from kittens will roll onto their backs and stretch for belly rubs when I walk into the room, but the cats I rescued are less enthusiastic about it. They all have grown to let me rub their bellies, but the one who lived outside before rescue would only ever roll onto her side tucked against me so my hand moved onto her belly, and the one from relatives will expose his belly but grumble about me petting it.
We have three cats, two brothers and one girl a year older than them. Both boys love (and beg for) belly rubs so much that you could practically mop the floor with them!
The girl, however, is very skittish. (She was socialized a bit too late.) She tolerates people and whatnot, but lets you know VERY quickly when she’s done. However, she is also my cat specifically. She trusts me and loves me, and while petting her, she will very distinctly roll over, show her belly, and let me rub it while she licks me!
So, to answer your question, it can be normal for your cat to love all that attention! It mainly comes down to personality/temperament, your bond with the cat, and how much they trust you. What’s also noteworthy is that she shows you her limits, and you obey them. By doing this, you show her that you can be trusted for further petting and loving!
My cat demands it my meowing super loud and annoyingly while rolling on her back. Every animal is different, regardless of what people say..unless it's a health thing that is
Some hate it, others like being lifted but no belly rubs, some cats straight up like to be carried around cradeled like a human baby while getting belly scratches.
But in cats often don't like being pet one single way for an extended period of time or in general be overstimulated. You have to switch it up or they might become "playfully" aggressive to make you stop, and actually aggressive if you don't.