Italian Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are using microchips to verify the authenticity of their products and thwart scammers.
Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are putting edible microchips the size of a grain of sand into their 90-pound cheese wheels to combat counterfeiters::Italian Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are using microchips to verify the authenticity of their products and thwart scammers.
I believe regulations require that everything you put in or on food is technically editable. Like the paper stickers on bread or produce. They are disgusting, but if you or your child accidentally eats them, they are fine.
Alex Jones will yell about the headline and say Soros is microchipping food and if you eat cheese the 5g vaccine will do a false flag and turn the frogs even gayer.
Crypto uses blockchain, but blockchain is just a different type of database that generally tracks data through a decentralized network. It has a lot of real uses beyond crypto like identity verification, transcript/records management management, and iot data sharing. It’s nothing that can’t be done in a centralized manner, it’s just a different way of going about it that, in some cases, is much more secure and/or much more easily accessible.
I don't know, can you make a JPEG of the cheese wheel and then put the hyperlink on the blockchain? Maybe make it so I can import the cheese in a shitty MMO that nobody actually wants to play?
If I run low on health and have to eat several dozen cheese wheels, will the authentic DRM ones provide a greater HP boost compared to the generic cheese wheels?
What if the inauthentic product is made by my mate dodgy Dave who got a load of cheap milk and some dirty old metalwork, it's ok he flushed a load of industrial cleaner through them and it's good stuff they use it to clean engines at his brother's garage...
You'd be far better off not buying a prestige product and getting a good quality cheese from a reputable manufacturer at a price that doesn't include a huge markup due to perceived historic significance
I mean I was being a little jocular in my comment (since this tracker is on the outside) it doesn’t really matter.
But by preferring “inauthentic” I was thinking something like “Greek style cheese” which is just feta but made outside of Greece or sparking wine for champagne. So food standards still apply.
But yeah, they are trying to stop fraudulent claims.
That’s because makers of Parmigiano-Reggiano are implanting microchips into the casings of their 90-pound cheese wheels as the latest move to ward off counterfeiters, The Wall Street Journal reported.
If it's just going in the casings, then it wouldn't be eaten I guess?
Except for counterfeiters. They eat the whole thing to make sure their copies are accurate but now we can track their poops. I'm telling you, Mario, this thing is genius!
its funny that some ppl are paranoid that bill gates is trying to microchip them with a vaccine when they probably already have been by the fucking itailians
Except it is very common to boil cheese rind for broth. And prolonged exposure high temperatures tend to break down pollutants into even more reactive forms as well as draw them out into solution. Worse if it's in like a commercial steam oven or pressure cooker that can get much higher than 100 C, you know, like many professional restaurants make a point of using.
I doubt it will be that easy to identify and scrape off, because that would defeat the point, probably hidden deep within the layers. It says it can't be read remotely so very unlikely it's just an off the shelf RFID sticker you can easily see and peel off. I also doubt a lot of people will know it's there and that it needs to be removed in the first place, or they'll take their word for it that it's edible even though they are absolutely in no position to make that claim and have definitely not done the rigorous medical research/testing to actually justify a claim like that.
Where in the article did it mention that the counterfeit versions are better than the originals? I didn't see a comparison of quality at all (maybe I missed it?).
I think it's more than the counterfeit versions have gotten so good and/or cheap that the genuine manufacturers feel the need to compete by placing microchips in their cheese rather than improve their own or bring down the price.
Yea, many swiss brands have problems protecting their IP in America. Just recently Emmentaler lost its IP there, because Emmentaler describes a sort of cheese which is like our Swiss Emmentaler in America vs here in Switzerland only cheese from the Emmental is allowed to be called a Emmentaler.
Also for the Gruyère cheese it was recently announced the US will ignore Switzerland's claims.
That despite the fact Gruyère and Emmentaler are traditionally made with raw milk, something that's illegal in the US.
Why are they not using those nanotech microchip trackers that are small enough to fit in a vaccine, and that can communicate with a satellite without any need for a radio or battery?
Considering they charge arm an a leg for the damn thing no wonder. Also wait until you find out there are fake eggs mass produced in China. That will mind-stop you.
Yeah it's like how the Champaign region has brutalised it's soil with over production and now produces substandard grapes compared to other regions but due to established customs can charge the most.
Cheese makes even less sense as the original taste was down to the quality of the dairy and the process of making it - both of which have changed totally and are easily replicatable, though fake cheese is potentially dangerous if made unlicenced because God knows what corners they could cut - I don't want to eat something full of reminant cleaning products and deadly pathogens.
Really then avoiding over-priced prestige products is the best choice economically, medically, and morally (I'll skip the essay on that but the main point is it's funding greed and establishing a classist normal which is something we should be moving away from).
The next time you dig into a bowl of pasta with freshly grated parmesan, you could accidentally be eating a microchip.
That's because makers of Parmigiano-Reggiano are implanting microchips into the casings of their 90-pound cheese wheels as the latest move to ward off counterfeiters, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Parmigiano-Reggiano must be made in a particular area of northern Italy's Emilia Romagna region and with specific production standards and techniques.
The microchip can then be scanned to pull up a unique serial ID that buyers can use to ensure they've got the real thing.
"We keep fighting with new methods," Alberto Pecorari, whose job is to protect the product's authenticity for a group that represents Parmigiano makers, told the Journal.
Parmigiano-Reggiano is among the many food products that are formally protected in the European Union, including Champagne from France and Feta from Greece.
The original article contains 324 words, the summary contains 144 words. Saved 56%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
There exist (cheaper) cheeses made in a similar style, but no serious manufacturer will call it Parmigiano Reggiano, or even Parmesan. Usually have their own brand.
Worth noting that they use microchips because blind taste tests, chemical analysis, and any other comparison demonstrates that copies are indistinguishable - if you buy prestige food products you're almost certainly just wasting money
If the microchip just contains a unique serial ID you can check with the producer, it would be just as easy to print it in the casing or glue it to the side of the wheel, no need to implant it in the outermost layer of cheese.
It is just glued on it. It's just on the label, not implanted inside the cheese wheel. The "you could be eating microchips!!!" part of the article is pure clickbait.
All they say is they'd be safe to eat if for some reason it ended up in the cheese. Like the rest of the label I guess.