PetDinosaurs 43 1 ReplyGrammaton Cleric
46 1 ReplyPetDinosaurs Is this actually a problem? On my thing it's got jpeg artifacts like the original, but it's not senor Chang small.
7 0 Reply
dragnucs Your are not going to believe this but they would double happy if you introduce them to new food.
20 0 Replykbotc Eh… You may want to talk to your vet before switching your dog’s food suddenly. I learned the hard way that my dog’s allergic to everything and has violent diarrhea when exposed to food she’s unfamiliar with. It’s like white people and Taco Bell.
15 1 Replydragnucs All living beans need gradual dietary changes. I can't abruptly change food. Especially if the texture changes a lot, like going from pellets to meat.
2 0 Reply
Captain_Ender I just buy whatever is the cheapest flavor of my cat's preferred brand. Haha guess I'm doing this by accident.
5 0 Reply
scurry My dogs are spoiled brats. One of them half the time will turn her nose up at anything I give her, only accepting some of what I’m currently eating, even if what was given her is the same or better than what I’m having.
10 0 ReplyVikingHippie But don't you know? If your human is eating it, it automatically becomes the tastiest thing in the world! So sayeth Dog.
4 0 Reply
Stimmed Let me introduce you to: !
9 1 Replyriodoro1 In the meantime my cat will refuse a second half of the same package because eating the same shit twice in a row would be too boring.
8 0 ReplyCalavera
Mine much prefer our leftovers than its food
6 0 ReplyHello Hotel
Mine looses somthing within
herselfitself when it goes from jekel to hyde with those glassy eyes.2 0 Reply
when did shitpost equated to dank meme?
4 0 Replyouter_spec
my fish is like this
3 0 Replylinuxgator My Chihuahua looks more like a tornado from Twister instead.
3 0 ReplyWhiskyTangoFoxtrot Does your Chihuahua have a cow in it?
2 0 Replylinuxgator She would very much like to.
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