Masculine Policy: The GOP’s Plan To Outlaw ‘Porn’ And Suspend The First Amendment
Masculine Policy: The GOP’s Plan To Outlaw ‘Porn’ And Suspend The First Amendment
Does watching porn threaten your masculinity? Science says it doesn’t. Is porn addictive? No, it’s not. Is sexual expression that is consenting legally protected by the First Amendment? Yes, …

Flying Squid
I don't even know what the fuck 'masculinity' means. Does it mean being aggressive, talking about sports and roughhousing with your friends? Because I don't do any of those things, but I still think of myself as a man.
A few hundred years ago, 'masculinity' included wearing makeup, a powdered wig and tights.
It's all nonsense.
56 2 ReplyZombiepirate
Masculinity is measured by
- how tanned one's nutsack is from baseline
- how much one cares about beer and candy advertising and the sexiness therein
- how much one beats and berates children
- 'Murica coefficient x ignorant loudmouth asshole variable
At least that's what I learned from Tucker.
21 1 ReplyFlying Squid
Damn, well, guess I'm a transwoman now.
12 1 Replymindbleach And you gotta get that mid-sack seam ironed out. It's unbecoming.
3 0 Reply
14 1 Replynetburnr
Masculinity means having the biggest pickup in the neighborhood, duh...
13 0 Replysome_guy Every time a vehicle with an obnoxiously loud engine goes by, I say to my partner, "There goes a cool guy." It's become an in-joke for us.
2 0 Reply
bAYse_ If you want to hear more about the history of this kind of 'masculinity thumping,' We're In Hell on youtube just uploaded a banger.
1 2 Reply
Reptorian I welcome them to try. It is just going to lose them votes. Proceed, please.
19 1 Replyjballs
That just reminded me of Obama's "Please proceed, Governor." God damn that was sick at the time.
12 1 ReplyTransplantedSconie
And Mittens just stood there like 😲
3 0 Reply
Anything can be addictive, but if gambling is legal I see no reason porn shouldn't be also.
14 0 ReplyBeanGoblin Alcohol is obviously addictive and very bad for you. We saw how well that went when we banned it...
11 0 Replysome_guy Oh, man, I want a world where well-dressed mobsters are killing each other in the streets because of porn.
1 3 Reply
HWK_290 RIP my homies in Virginia. They got a taste of this first
7 1 ReplyTimeSquirrel
NoVa and Norfolk really need to break away from the rest of that redneck shithole.
2 1 ReplyMomoTimeToDie
Yeah, no surprise, it literally has no impact on anything I do. I've encountered it maybe like once, ever, because most websites don't even bother.
1 1 Reply
xc2215x There are some porn videos that cross the line but I do not think it should all or mostly be banned.
3 0 Replyicepuncher69 Bwahhahahahahaha.
Dumbasses, they wish.
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