Rudy Giuliani raised $1M for a documentary smearing Biden to help Trump win the 2020 election. The film wasn't made, but he kept $300K, a lawsuit says.
They are the poster children for shooting themselves in their own foot.
They are always complaining about the states regulations. I enjoy pointing out that those regulations are mostly implemented because all of dumbfuck farmers who did something completely idiotic.
After telling a few stories that I know they generally start piping in with stories of dumb things that they know have happened. The amount of shit those fucktards do is horrifying.
This isn't the first time that the Mungers have been involved in litigation. Their company Munger Bros. paid $3.75 million to settle a lawsuit that accused them of having "mistreated and illegally fired Mexican nationals" who worked at their blueberry farm in Washington state and was hit with $3.5 million in penalties and back wages in 2019 for improperly recruiting foreign workers, housing them in unsanitary conditions, and dodging pay rules.
Crooks got swindled by bigger crooks. Let me grab my tissues to wipe away my tears. Of laughter.
In 2019, a new lawsuit alleges, California fruit-and-nut farming magnates and brothers Baldev and Kewel Munger met Tim Yale, a Republican political operative at a fundraiser.
The suit was filed this month by a Munger-owned LLC, one of several entities controlled by the multinational agro-barons, who also hold part ownership of Naturipe, the world's largest producer of blueberries.
The three men "all represented that they possessed key documents that were 'smoking guns' that would establish that the Ukrainian government engaged in a quid pro quo exchange with the Biden family to benefit Burisma," the complaint continues.
Republicans have long alleged but have never proven a nexus between Hunter's work on Burisma's board and Joe Biden's efforts, as vice president, to remove a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the company.
The magazine reported in 2021 that the production was a disaster that only resulted in 15 minutes of low-quality footage, while Giuliani was paid six figures to fly out in a private jet to woo potential investors.
The aborted Giuliani film project also forms part of a whistleblower disclosure from Johnathan Buma, an FBI special agent whose allegations were first reported by Insider.