This. And don’t forget all the complaints. Food bowl empty, box not completely empty, blanket not folded just right, chair occupied by human and not cat, too hot, too cold, food need food, play with me.
My cat does this bark/chirp and gives me this frustrated confused look. He’s essentially saying “Me, attention me” while he stretches his hands at me and “pretends” it’s just stretching.
He thinks he’s clever but I got him all figured out.
My hamster is a fucking primadonna hipster who works out 8 hours a day.
"Pellets..? Really..? Don't you know they're full of carbs...OH!! Fruit snacks!! I need energy!!"
"Carrots and dill treat? No thanks. I only eat the cranberry ones." *Drags treat over to his pooping corner and leaves it there.
Me: "Did you just flush that treat down the toilet..?"
At 1:30 AM "I'm going to the gym!" *Pushes hamster wheel up against the side of his cage for maximum banging and clattering noises, then proceeds to go on a brisk run for 2 hours.
When I'm feeding him. "You may pick me up and pet me human, I consent. I like warm hands."
When I need to clean his cage. "Bad touch, bad touch! I do not consent! I will bite you!"
My wife and I make up what my cat says. She has "conversations" with us. If we say something to her, she meows back. So we will say things like "what should we make for dinner?" And of course she just says "meow!" And we say, "no, I don't want kibble for dinner. Think of something else." So she again says, "meow!" And we say, "no, I don't want canned wet food either!"
When our cat is really going to town yowling at us, I like to respond "I know, life is so hard, no one loves you or cares for you or feeds you and scoops your poop."
If my guinea pigs are in their cage they're yelling at me to get them some veggies from the fridge. But if they're in my bedroom they just chatter which I assume is general banter.
We have two dogs and two cats. All of them talk, but our husky mix is in a class by himself. He carries on detailed conversations all the time. If he could form consonants as well as vowels he would just speak English. And occasionally he sings the blues, quite beautifully.
Denali: "Both cats are on the bed, although Sue is hiding in the headboard. There are three rabbits out back near the windows. Three people are walking dogs somewhere on our streets. And the postman is running late today."
Me: "Okay, thanks for the status report."
Denali: "That was just the summary. Let me give you the details..."
I had to rehome my birds a couple months ago, and I miss them dearly. My absolute favorite part of the day was dumping the bowl of that day's kitchen scraps off the back porch. They had become so accustomed to it that if they heard the back door open, the damn things would come running like it was some weird chickeny religious call to prayer.
You dump the bowl and then watch them go to town. When everything's nearly gone, one chicken will get up to nerve to grab the best goody that's left and tear off. And now they all abandoned the rest of it to chase her and play Bell Peppers Seed Pod Tag.
My birds love my daughter, she will usually go down there with some leftover snack for them, and now two of them will sit down in front of her to be cuddled.
My cat is deaf, so there have been a number of “Oh! It’s you!” startled “mrrrrAAAAAs” directed at me when I come around a corner.
She’s quite talkative, with lots of greeting (and aforementioned startled) trills and meows that can range from normal level to “causes ear bleeds at close range” level.
My silly boy cat likes to announce everything he's about to do. Jump up on something? Go use the kitty litter? Karate kick the door open because he wants food right now (he just did that while I was typing this, it is the only way he knows how to open doors) it's all just little baby innocent sounding meows.
Then when he gets the zoomies, he enjoys a good yodel at the top of his lungs.
Then my sweet little girl cat just enjoys chattering away at me. She also has little high pitched baby meows and sometimes does a call and response with me when I say her name. She's honestly such a sweetheart. I get the impression that when she chatters at me, she's telling me how excited and happy she is.
My dog has two modes: Sleepy on the couch and "THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU HAVE EVER TOUCHED A LEASH OH MY GOD I'M GOING FOR A WALK I NEED TO TELL THE WORLD" ...she gets walks daily, she is just super hyped up about them, and nothing else.
My (now passed) kitty would smell when I opened a can of tuna from several rooms away and sprint in screaming "YESSSSSS FUCKIN TUNAAAAAAA" despite knowing he was on a diet. I miss his screaming.
I had a cat named murderous nightmare that used to talk to me. Even have a video of it from my wife’s phone. She would yell at me while I was dressing to go to work, when I was cooking dinner and when I got home from anywhere.
My cat didn't use to, but now she's very talkative when she's happy. I guess I reinforced it 🤷♂️... Because now she'll chirp, purr, and meow when curling up on me, when I come home from being gone a few days, and when I give her treats... She's the best.
Our old girl was pretty quiet in her younger years. Then she started hanging out in the kitchen as my wife cooked dinner for the kids, and she’d meow. Then Meow. Then MEOW! And my wife would feed her early just to shut her up.
She's a drama queen. Doesn't help that we have a child (not her) now. She gets very jealous, but only in a way she just talks at us and tries to get pets (nothing aggressive to our child). She (secretly, or at least she thinks she's secretive) loves them though, she's definitely been protective around them with people/other dogs at times.
Other than that, whenever she feels like it I guess? Laying down, gotta let out a big sigh. Lost a ball under the couch, better whine. Hear the sound of her people in a video, gotta join in on the howling. Saw a bear on the TV, protect mode.
She's a big dork and we love her so much. All the sounds are just a feature, not a bug haha.
Rooahroo opera singing mostly, which means "You're home you're home you came hooome muuuuuuuum!"
And further rooarraows which means in a singsong voice "A WALK a WALK we are going a walk!"
Soft aroos mean "I love you"
Various tones of low roo sounds mean she needs me to notice something, to warn me about something, or wants me to open a door or is not feeling well.
Other talking includes letting me know about the other dogs around us and whether or not they are safe and friendly. We have big conversations about this.
There's also "I'm sleepy, I'm doing a big yawn mum look"
There's the obvious danger growl.
Sometimes she'll tell me about how comfortable she is, or will soon be.
We properly talk and have conversations, she is very good at expressing herself. Or I understand her well. Both.
You are thinking about making salmon and I expect to be given most, if not all, of it. For this reason, I will not be eating my own food to save room. Also I want to sleep outside tonight even though I can see it is stormy and raining.
Later that night: WTF let me in! Can't you see it's raining out here!?