Ummmm so wow how have I never discovered this before??? This is the perfect place for me and it just so happens my keyboard died and I need a new one! I run a Mac and am not picky about Bluetooth or hardwired. Everything else you will have to explain it to me like I’ve 5 haha. Thanks I’m advance. Oh and I did read through the post from a bit ago about good budget keyboards and that was useful.
Haha no no, I get it. I gathered they might be a good place to start but wanted to put out feelers. What’s the deal with Switch Type and Switch Option?
If you're looking to start messing with switches, and modifying things seems intriguing, you can always look at building a board. I really like the Meletrix Zoom line. You have to wait for group buys, but you get a highly customizabled device.
They should mean the same thing: Different types of keyboard switches that affect the typing experience. RTings has a pretty extensive article about them ( but you mainly need to know there are three kinds, the clicky ones, which make that nice noise with a bump as you press on them, tactile, which only has the bump, and linear, which has none of the above. Using which kind is a personal preference (I like my clickies), so you'll need to figure out what you like. This is the part where you'll need to invest in some time and money because there's no way of figuring out what you like unless you try it for a period of time.
Second Keychron. I have a Q8, K6 and Q0 and love all of them. The Q8 and Q0 are built like tanks and weigh as much. The K6 is light and perfect for on the go.
If I had known the Q14 was coming I most likely would have waited for a non-southpaw version of that.
Let’s pretend I am not an idiot and I realized the first time that was a link to a website for all things mechanical keyboards and not specific brand haha…geez.
If you are a switch hound like me and you want something that feels a cut above the rest then Unicomp new model M or ROG RX whatever the fuck.
Model Ms are so well regarded I don't need to tell you about them and why they feel good.
ROG RX switches are a new optoelectric thing that just so happens to be extremely smooth, stable, and binding resistant while combining full travel and a long pole style bottom out. The clickies also use a unique click mechanism that is most similar to space invaders and works really well if you aren't into linears. Also comes with on the fly macro recording which is always a plus.
Im really happy with my Das keyboard 4 professional. If you dont mind blank keycaps, or intend to order custom ones down the road anyway, I'd recommend it. Its got a sturdy heavyish metal body that feels like its resilient, which I do like personally as I dont need it to be mobile
Thank you, I’ll check them out! I too am not worried about it being mobile so the heavy body would be nice. Are keycaps easy to swap? Also do I love have the 10 key but have read it’s better practice to ditch it built in, thoughts?
Man, I got a red dragon from micro center, and it's not amazing, but it's very good for my first mechanical. I miss some keystrokes once in a while, but the Bluetooth doesn't fail and I share it between 2 PCs. Best $50 I've spent on keyboards. just got a fresh stock of the Zoom TKL (usually pretty hard to find) and they are absolutely stellar. They are a bit over your budget though at around $245 IIRC. I just picked up my second one :D