Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B π¦π§ (
Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW to prevent Reddit from monetizing it with ads.
Wow it must be an extremely novel experience for an iOS programmer to have a company arbitrarily make decisions about what you can and cannot do on their platform
I wish I could say that Google is better at that. Itβs basically the same story but with even less humans to talk to when youβre flagged for doing something wrong or in the case of Google your former college roommate whom you havenβt seen in 10 years did something wrong. Itβs the price all mobile devs pay unless they only want to distribute to a small subset of users who have liberated their phones.
when I started with mobile apps google was easy and apple was a problem.
nowadays apple is very clear on what they allow and what they don't and it's possible to go back and forth with them to get something approved.
google is trying their hard to be as strict as apple while putting 0 of the effort in to correct problems. not to mention that android is a fucking piece of garbage to maintain. you have like 4 deadlines per year, you need to update this or that thing or your app won't work on this or that device, or the deprecation deadline for fucking safetynet arrives and they take two weeks to repair the google play integrity service.
Eh, no need to bring the iOS/Android fight into this. OP saw an opportunity for a joke and took it. The butt of the joke is iOS because that's what the sub is about. If it were for android the same joke could be made, though folks would probably make different ones with other more glaring issues that Google has.
Thank you for fighting a good fight. You're far better than 98% of the boot-consuming power trippers that folded the moment it looked like they might lose their paper throne. Welcome home.
Look I get it but some of these people going to work for free are just screwing over everyone else who wants to get paid for their value. Also it leads to corruption in that the mods of places find a way to get paid anyways.
Not sure what he expected. I commend all the protesting, but we all saw how reddit responded. They didn't give two shits. Yet people stick around in a toxic relationship with the site until they get removed. It's weird. Why not just make the move to Lemmy before they take everything from you?
Let's be real... as long as people act like brainless animals, there will be zoos they enjoy being in. Reddit lost nothing, sooner than later more and more people will more and more give in and everything will go back to how reddit was. The number of people who care is miniscule.
I'm surprised they gave a shit for /r/iOSProgramming since it's not as popular. It's more niche but yeah sad to hear. Glad I got rid of reddit after the API shutdown.
It's not Reddit. Thank your government. They have to do what the government says or they end up like back page. I'm not saying your Reddit was bad the government probably told them to pull it. Get use to sensership it's only going to get worse
Doesn't having it private mean it wasn't a community of 150k? It was a community of 1.
I understood taking subs NSFW to keep advertising out, but taking them private was causing the community to die. Once that went beyond a few days it was time to shift platform.