you now wake up everyday to the theme song of the last show you watched. how blessed/fucked are you?
you now wake up everyday to the theme song of the last show you watched. how blessed/fucked are you?
14 0 ReplyMentallyExhausted Star Trek Enterprise. I am fucked.
9 0 ReplyTeaHands
Of all the Treks. Oof.
7 0 Replyatlasraven31 ...I CAN DO ANYTHING...
3 0 ReplyMentallyExhausted …I’VE GOT FAITH…
3 0 Reply
BryonyPlato Star Trek Voyager. I’m pretty blessed because it’s beautiful
8 0 ReplyTeaHands
Star Trek TOS. I'm fine with this.
7 0 ReplyLumidaub
Star Trek Strange New Worlds fuck yes Daddy Pike is giving me a motivational speech first thing every day!
5 0 Replytoomanyjoints69 I'm getting the cool instrumentals of star trek the next generation, and a reminder to boldly go where nobody has gone before ! Do dedooo dedodededoooo
5 0 ReplyChrissie The Orville - I'm happy :)
5 0 Replyatlasraven31 An extra heroic way to wake up.
2 0 Reply
Midas OP it's a jungle out there from Monk
Pretty decent one to wake up to imo
4 0 Replytias Breaking Bad. Nobody better fuck with me, yo.
4 0 Replysheinar Farscape. I'm pretty happy with that!
4 0 ReplyDrWeevilJammer
Now it's in your head, too
4 0 ReplyEch Thanks for at least linking to the best rendition of it :)
1 0 ReplyDrWeevilJammer
You're welcome. The original actually gets stuck in my head with some frequency, and this is the version that always "fixes" it.
Well, that and "Jurassic Park 12: It's Dino Time!" by Tom Cardy.
2 0 Reply
well i already hear the theme from Bluey about a dozen times a day so i'm already pretty desensitization to it. it can't be any more annoying than any other alarm, right?
4 0 Replysideone
Agents of shield. Pretty inspiring to wake up to.
3 0 ReplyHSL
I'm pretty good, Silo's opening music is quite pretty. I keep meaning to check if it's by the same composer as Westworld.
3 0 ReplyDrWeevilJammer
The Silo theme is fantastic, but it is not the same person who did the Westworld theme. Silo is by an Icelandic person, and Westworld is by a middle eastern person (can't recall exact names).
3 0 Reply
iso Black Mirror
I actually want this ngl haha
3 0 Replyppetrelli Somewhere in between. Watched Pippi Longstockings with the kids. It’s a fond tune from my childhood but I don’t know for how long I’ll call myself blessed.
3 0 Reply👍Maximum Derek👍
Bob's Burgers. I'll meet you all at Wonder Wharf! Edit: After a second to think about it, I think waking up to that might ruin the show for me. I really hate waking up to an alarm.
3 0 ReplyAce Lucario
Hmm, yeah, I think I'm fine with the Cowboy Bebop opening.
3 0 ReplyJosephine
I was scared it was gonna be The Walking Dead but its actually RuPaul's Drag Race, acceptableeee
3 0 ReplyManFromKnowwhere Always sunny, not too bad. Could be way worse.
2 0 Replysayabulegila I think this is one of the best options possible!
1 0 Reply
...I watched Black Mirror. Sounds like a regular alarm until the glass cracks. Not sure how to feel about this.
2 0 Replysayabulegila I'm so jumpy when I wake up, this would probably freak me out for a while ha.
1 0 Reply
AstralWeekends Thank you for being a friend.
Traveled down the road and back again.
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant
Could be far worse!
2 0 Replyangrystego Blessed with the Peacemaker dance!
2 0 Replycali Theme to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean. Makes sense, I tend to want to punch my alarm first thing in the morning.
2 0 ReplyDizzy Devil Ducky
I don't know I could handle the 2nd season Sliders theme for the rest of my days. I'd be screwed.
2 0 ReplyRandyButternubs i am happy listening to serial experiments lain op for now
2 0 ReplyBjörn Tantau The Rookie. The intro is so short I don't think that it even classifies as a theme song.
2 0 ReplyWatTyler
Season 3 of The Wire. That's pretty good hype music but I'd probably rather the Season 2 cover.
2 0 ReplyRhabuko
Oh no! I watched yesterday the first episode of the man in black tv show, because it was in my Youtube recommendations and I was bored...
Guess that's my alarm clock from now on... Help! 🤮😢
2 0 ReplyCrispyCactus Do, do, do do do do, da do do do do do do, do Do do Do do do do KIKIWAKA!
I'm okay with it, at least it's upbeat =)
2 0 Replyatimholt I wouldn't mind changing my alarm to the theme from Futurama.
(But I'm going to go ahead and leave it as Mr. Blue Sky.)
1 0 Replykersploosh
Ready, Jet, Goooooo!
Jet Propulsion, that's his name.
He looks like us but he isn't the same...
Just kill me now.
1 0 Replysayabulegila I've been rewatching True Blood. I actually really dig the intro song but wonder how long it'd take before it started driving me crazy??
1 0 Replylusterko
X files lol
1 0 ReplyErraticWalrus
Thanks to my kids it's Bluey. I am now cursed to live to the impossibly high parental bar set in the show.
1 0 ReplySanguinePar
I will be waking in terror each morning to the sound of The Day Today
1 0 ReplyMuun Legend of Vox Machina: That song is bangin'. Think I'm in for a good life.
1 0 ReplyTakeshidude I’ll have Sir Patrick Stewart soliloquizing about space followed by a rad fanfare as I get breakfast.
Sounds pretty cool to me.
0 0 Replywildeaboutoskar
What a start to the day
1 0 Reply