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"Wind and solar power pollute the Earth and make life miserable:" DeSantis's Florida Approves Climate-Denial Videos in Schools

  • I somehow feel this will backfire spectacularly. Younger kids can be dumb like the rest of us, but there is one thing they are exceptionally smart about: spotting and mocking lame-ass adults.

    There is already little tolerance among (a lot of) younger folk for climate denialism and general right wing jackassery. Adding a cut-rate Donald Duck screeching about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or how windmills are dangerous is just gonna’ cement the lameness for them. Now, if we could just do something about the grown-up idiots on Facebook, we’d be cooking.

  • But I thought it was the left that's indoctrinating children?

    That's what they need to convince their base in order to get them to support their indoctrination schemes. They've convinced so many people that simply teaching science and history is leftist indoctrination, and they need to combat it with their own propaganda.

  • Is the SOB trying to burn the planet down or what? That's criminal. I wish those POS could be held accountable for the dangerous ideas they push.

  • I'm a parent and I sure af would not tolerate this fucking corporate propaganda being forced on my son.

  • Well, we’re gonna start teaching kids about the different types of power sources and their pros and cons, I sure hope we starts pushing more education about nuclear.