UPS and the Teamsters Union reached a tentative agreement late last month, averting a strike.
UPS also has a market cap of 156B$ vs Fedex's 66B$. Both average around 90B$ in revenue. Fedex drivers maker an average of 52k$ a year. Fedex doesn't have any unions.
In summary, it seems that having a union helps workers earn a lot more, but also help the company have significantly better stock market performance.
Seeing as this is coming from the CEO, I do not trust this to be true, or is overstating it to make the public think the drivers are "greedy" or "overpaid". They also want to blame a bad year of revenue on this, which is bullshit.
Looking at the average hourly listed for full timers @ $49 (which is great tbh) works out to about $101K before tax. I'm not sure what kind of benefits they are getting, but $70k in benefits is suspect.
Also, the part timers are still starting at $21, which extrapolated to full time hours is $43k. Not sure if they get benefits.
The quote is saying that "drivers" will average $170k, but that doesn't specify whether that is including full and part time. I'd also like to see what the ratio of part:full time is, because I can only assume it skews towards the former.
I'm happy to see the teamsters got a good deal, but lets not trust the numbers the CEO is spitting out...
My understanding is that the cost of decent benefits for an employee is often about the same as their wage. I don't exactly have firsthand experience, but I believe that companies budget for expansion hires using this rule of thumb (intended wage x2 is the total cost to hire them).
As a business owner, at least in my experience it's about 30-50% more per employee's base wage for benefits.
I don't say that negatively. I am not entirely sure how it would hit 2x though, but I suppose it would depend on the industry? My particular industries don't have overhead of trucks, uniforms, badges, etc.
edit: I think people misunderstood what I'm saying. I'm basically saying that I feel like UPS is inflating some side of numbers to argue for a "total compensation" amount but the reality being a lower base amount for the employees. Benefits have value, for sure, but I personally think UPS drivers base pay needs to be higher.