When your PC doesn't have any hobbies, and it's downtime.
When your PC doesn't have any hobbies, and it's downtime.
When your PC doesn't have any hobbies, and it's downtime.
That's not fair mutual aid is totally a hobby
Helping people IS fun!
The more I see of this precious plushie goblin the more I love her. 10/10 would hug.
I think I've gotten this one before. Is this her reaction to anybody calling her cute?
It's not your fault, this is the DM's fault for using downtime rules!
To be fair, in this case it's her fault for being incorrigibly altruistic.
then hopefully the DM uses downtime rules! Clerics get blessings for service!
Konsi really reminds me a lot of my half-orc cleric, I think they'd be good buddies.
Gonna be honest, this is the post that caused me to learn (via dictionary definition/Wikipedia) that I’ve probably been using the word “debriefing” wrong (I assumed debriefing referred to something like aftercare, but in a military/espionage context),
Probably not at all what you were expecting to accomplish with this post, but thanks much regardless.
Am I using it right? I think it means "you telling them what actually happened" after you do the thing, whereas the "briefing" was "them telling you what's supposed to happen" before you do the thing.
Debriefing is what happens when you win the final round of a strip poker game.
They tell jokes at the soup kitchen.