Change should come around 2045, study of updated US census data predicts, but author says ageing ‘is not race-neutral’
Turns out if you define a third of your pale population as "Latinx" instead of white, very few white people remain.
Even the 2020 census had the sense (heh) to finally drop the "Hispanic race" and have it as a separate label, but the "researchers" felt like going out of their way to redefine it as a "race" again. Not sure why race is even treated as a scientific thing to begin with in their census, but such is the Amerikkkan way I guess.
Edit: don't even want to think about the causes of this "age gap"
The one and only sane comment in this whole thread. If whites are a majority, so be it. If they aren't, so be it. Stop obsessing over titles (that (general you) claim are a social construct anyway) and get on with your own life. This is........not important.
America has been doing this dance for the past 200 years. Too many Germans, Irish, Italians, etc will make white America not white anymore was the old tune and I'm done waiting for Americans to realize that race is a social construct.
whiteness isn't real. it's a hegemonic construct that will always absorb enough new bodies to maintain it's dominant positions. many latinos/hispanics are already becoming white as part of this social construction.
Racial categories have always been jank in the US for Latin people. Forms have a separate question on whether or not you're Hispanic. But because of that, "Latin" is never included as an option for race so we have to fill in something stupid.
Look at questions 8 and 9 here. I'm the tan kind of Mexican American, so I have to answer question 8 with Yes, Chicano and question 9 with...??? Other? I'm a Hispanic Other. Makes sense.
So Spanish is not white but Italian is. And also Lebanese?? How the designers of these questions think they can get any meaningful data whatsoever from these questions is mind boggling.
White Spaniards fill out Yes and write "Spaniard" for question 8 then pick White and write "Spanish" for question 9. It's funny that they have write out the same thing twice.
Beats me why Lebanese and Egyptian people are considered white though
In my work I've had to fill out that kind of forms a couple of times for Latinos and some have this options "Cuban, Hispanic, Mexican, Puerto Rican". It makes total sense.
Do you mean they have those options as a response to the race question? Or as a question separate from race? Cuz if you mean the latter, then those are the same options given in this census
In America, the terms Latino, Latinx, and Hispanic refer to basically anyone from any country in the Americas that is below the United States, geographically and 'culturally'. It's essentially a label Americans use to say, " oh you're from one of THOSE shithole countries".
The great great grandson of a Spanish conquistador who massacred thousands of indigenous people to claim his own plantation is considered the exact same as the granddaughter of an indigenous person on the receiving end. Both are called Hispanics, making the word an utterly meaningless label.
Yeah, I have a particular beef with those labels because, although I usually like my Latin American cousins, my "Hispanic" country speaks Portuguese and not Spanish. In the census there wasn't even an option for Latin American people who speak languages other than Spanish (Portuguese and French but also Guarani or Quechua or the various creoles).
It's extra insult to injury that they appropriate the gendered "Latino" instead of just using their own "Latin," but then feel the need to slap an X on it. I've never even seen non-Yankees using latinx instead of the age old latino/a/e/@ out there.
I have seen many Hispanic people in South America writing Latinx on signs, posters, applications, news articles, etc. Its not extremely common but I have seen it plenty of times personally in many places across Equador, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico.
Its not a "Yankee" cultural imperialism.
Hilariously even Bad Empanada has a video of himself in Argentina where he says he'll walk out of his house, walk in a random direction, and then end the video when he comes across Latinx in a small city in which almost no one speaks English.... He made it less then 2 minutes before coming across a poster for a local community gathering that was advertised towards, Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx. Again, this was in the middle of a non-English speaking small Argentinian city.
Americans don't want to call them 'Latins' because that might imply some sort of relationship between them and the Romans, and that's not allowed because they're from shithole countries, and America is the rightful heir to the Roman throne or whatever.
Fascists are dumb but not that dumb. They know the "white" population is declining which is why they are redefining their racial goals. Anything to not talk about capital.
I feel that they're already doing that by eliminating the choice of Hispanic or Latinx options as a race and letting them choose white.
“In a sense, we’re forming a new kind of mainstream society here, which is going to be very diverse,” City University of New York sociologist Richard Alba told the Hill. “But whites are going to be a big part of that.”
To say something like this is insane to me. "Whites" are going to be a big part of mainstream society? "The future is white and we will make sure of it, in the name of diversity."
Now the system can reinforce white supremacy through the co-option of peoples that would have been considered otherwise. This is diversity now sweaty.
Interesting I guess. It's a no-brainer that this would happen when whiteness is defined by its purity. Some say the definition will be expanded like it was for Italians and Jews, but that requires racists to stop discriminating based off visual appearance so I kind of doubt it. Anyway, rip bozo lmfao
They already do when it comes to gusanos, so maybe Latinos with mostly colonizer blood will be considered “white” soon. Theres already a separate category for white Latinos so maybe they’ll merge it with “white.”
I've had an exp*t acquaintance no joke use "white statistics" for themself when considering migrating to there. Since they look like Freya Allan they'll probably even get their "one of the good ones" pass.
It's funny, Jews are white right up until the racists need to figure out who is behind the decline in white share of the population, then it turns out we're shady minority puppet masters
This was always going to happen because Anglo countries define whiteness by one-drop blood quantum rules. The population of white people will always shrink if you define white in such strict terms and everything else in such loose terms.
Having just a single non-white grandparent is often enough to disqualify a person from whiteness.
It also doesn't help that the boundaries of whiteness have shifted compared to 30 years ago. Muslims usually aren't considered white for instance no matter where they're from. I distinctly remember my Syrian neighbors were considered white when I was a kid, then 9/11 happened and suddenly they weren't.
Yeah, I remember that I once had to give my "race" on a visa application. They had the term Caucasian (that was 2018 Singapore), which I found to mean anyone looking European/Mediterranean. So northern Africa also counted.
since people often get confused by statements like this, remember that majority means >50%. there will still be a plurality of white people in the US for the forseeable future
I like the idea of lots of different races of people because variety is nice. I sort of wish I was the tanner version of white because being out in the sun all day has turned me into an ugly wannabe-femboy tomato