Change should come around 2045, study of updated US census data predicts, but author says ageing ‘is not race-neutral’
Turns out if you define a third of your pale population as "Latinx" instead of white, very few white people remain.
Even the 2020 census had the sense (heh) to finally drop the "Hispanic race" and have it as a separate label, but the "researchers" felt like going out of their way to redefine it as a "race" again. Not sure why race is even treated as a scientific thing to begin with in their census, but such is the Amerikkkan way I guess.
Edit: don't even want to think about the causes of this "age gap"
Racial categories have always been jank in the US for Latin people. Forms have a separate question on whether or not you're Hispanic. But because of that, "Latin" is never included as an option for race so we have to fill in something stupid.
Look at questions 8 and 9 here. I'm the tan kind of Mexican American, so I have to answer question 8 with Yes, Chicano and question 9 with...??? Other? I'm a Hispanic Other. Makes sense.
So Spanish is not white but Italian is. And also Lebanese?? How the designers of these questions think they can get any meaningful data whatsoever from these questions is mind boggling.
White Spaniards fill out Yes and write "Spaniard" for question 8 then pick White and write "Spanish" for question 9. It's funny that they have write out the same thing twice.
Beats me why Lebanese and Egyptian people are considered white though
Posted this upthread as well, but middle eastern & north African people were legally enshrined as white in the US due to a 1909 ruling with the following logic:
Wow I don't know what's dumber: calling Lebanese people Chinese-Mongolian because Lebanon is in Asia or calling Lebanese people white because Jesus is white (to white Americans)
In my work I've had to fill out that kind of forms a couple of times for Latinos and some have this options "Cuban, Hispanic, Mexican, Puerto Rican". It makes total sense.
Do you mean they have those options as a response to the race question? Or as a question separate from race? Cuz if you mean the latter, then those are the same options given in this census