The entire idea of continents is stupid anyway, really. I understand the desire to name locations on the map for easy identification and reference, that’s fine, but the execution is arbitrary as fuck as far I can tell.
Most of the issue is Asia, Europe and, to a degree, Africa. At some point we just started using Middle East to describe the area vaguely east of Egypt and west of India. Just draw a giant fucking circle south of Russia and between those countries and call it “Middle East.” Ignore all history, ignore cultural differences. They are all one thing now.
I could definitely rant about a bunch of other shit like “Russia? The fuck is going on there?” or “Africa: Continent or country? Don’t ask Americans!” but I really just find the entire idea of continents to be kind of silly. More silly than the usual “nations are dumb” kind of way. Even more arbitrary and ultimately meaningless.
Also, everyone always says Australia is the only country and continent simultaneously. But isn’t New Zealand part of the Australian continent? Or are the Kiwis just special? (Yes, I’m trying to start shit between the Kiwis and the ‘stralians). What about Antarctica. Google? What the fuck is google? No thanks, I’m just typing and guessing shit now. It’s like advanced Wikipedia perverts. They read made up shit and believe it. I just make shit up and ask easily answered questions.
Edit: apparently I posted this last night in a weird half-sleep state. I apologize for nothing. My brain is weird.
I like to call it Eurafrica when I'm talking with libs. They dislike being reminded that the foundations of European culture were almost all developed in Africa.
Then when they'd stolen all they could, they forgot about the continent and plummeted into the dark ages until they met west Asians, whose scholarly outputs helped backwards Europe to turn the lights back on.
After draining all they could, they stagnated again until they found the Americas, where they found parliamentary democracy and many other theretofore inconceivable inventions.
Marx called it primitive accumulation when the capitalists started doing it but Europeans have been propping themselves up on the heritage of the rest of the world for millennia. I guess Europe could be called 'Thievesope' but that is a bit tautologous.
Yeah, the two supposed methods for finding continental boundaries are geology and culture, which makes absolutely no sense for Crackerland. My brain worms demand I point out that the Isthmus of Suez is, at least, a distinct geological feature.
But the so-called boundary they drew on Eurasia is (from Wikipedia) "along the Turkish straits, the Caucasus, and the Urals and the Ural River (historically also north of the Caucasus, along the Kuma–Manych Depression or along the Don River)". That's such obvious nonsense lol
It could be! But when I say it's fake, I'm saying it's a subcontinent. It exists but there's no material reason for Europe to be its own continent while the Indian subcontinent is part of Asia. Crackers just wanted a crackerland.
Because the greeks beleved the vistula was at some point connected to the deniper and then to the black sea. And i think there is a point where crosing between the 2 of them is posible or at least easier than the crossing at suez. Its not clear because the logs are missing but pytheas probably circumnavegated europe by doing this in one of the expeditions.
It is also convinient because in classical times east of the vistula is ruled by iranians west of it by germans.
It is also convenient later on because in more modern times it was believed that each "continent" represented a race of humans.
The concept of continents came from Greece, but it's not as if every continent that exists was defined by Greece. When the truth was known that the only way to divide Eurasia is by drawing arbitrary lines the whole project could have been dropped. It's not like we kept literally every idea the Greeks had - have you had the balance of your humors checked by your physician recently?
As excellent as this article is, I've had multiple conversations with Captaincool07, and I think comrades should know that he is unfortunately a Han supremacist. I hate using that term since it sounds like its giving credit to liberals, but he really is. He thinks the CPC is more of a nationalist party than a socialist one, and he thinks Vladimir Putin is a "radical centrist", and that China's success is more due to nationalism than socialism, and he once said that he thinks that China should return to controlling 25-40 percent of the entire world's economy, rather than a multipolar one.
He's also vehemently homophobic and thinks that Mao's socialism "went too far".
You can just call him a nationalist or a patsoc. The rhetoric he espouses isn't any different from Chinese nationalists of other ethnicities, and from his videos it's clear he cares about preserving minority culture/ is proud of its preservation. The few "Han nationalists" that exist live in the US or Taiwan and have a intense hatred for the mainland/the CPC and tend to be very pro-US (they both share the goal of a balkanizing China based off of ethnicity).
I gotta heavily disagree with the idea of him being no different than any other nationalists.
He's said before that only the Han Chinese are "smart" enough to have a successful country as China, and he believes that "full communism" is just as bad as full capitalism. I will admit maybe his views have changed and I could be wrong, and he's definitely not pro US. But he is/was very homophobic, and the bad kind of nationalist.
There are a noticeable amount of Han chauvanists in China as well. The CPC and most of the Chinese population don't agree with them though, thankfully.
I don't think he is an Amerikkkan patsoc, but from my interactions with him, let's just say I wouldn't be against him receiving mental care and re-education at a Laogai.
Never - ever - forget that the only thing Erdogan had to do every time he wanted to have his way with the EU (and he always got it), all he had to do was "Imma open the borders into Europe".
Because to a European, there is no greater threat they can imagine than a destitute brown person.
Flagrant racism on multiple levels, it is horrendous to see it flaunted in broad daylight. They say first one racist thing and then back it up with orientalism.
the point is that many Europeans are racist against Asian people (among others) and they're "placing" Russia in Asia rather than Europe for this reason
You can check that by just having a look at Facebook and articles about China, reddit and link to articles about China or a quick peep at the comment section of any article on China.
Any picture with an Asian with a pet dog or cat, can guess what the comments will have (unless it's an attractive person which will attract the yellow fever types)
The murderous glee they show when fake rumours of a three gorges dam collapse pops up for the 50th time
"Just the government not the people... but it would be real nice if they suffered so we could buy some cheap slaves" type sentiment
Chinese can't think for themselves, we enlightened liberal saviours have decreed that they are oppressed and only the Libya treatment will free them
Literal nazi propaganda quote "Wehrt euch gegen die asiatischen Horden!" / "Defend yourself against asiatic monster hordes", so yeah it isn't neutral, it isn't just descriptive and the imagery and article do reference that asiatic otherness. The perspectives and continuities are relevant in such things.
Only when they need to narcissistically give away a bag of US AID wheat and post about it, meanwhile extracting and exploiting a million x in resources and labor.
It is basically "death by snu snu", but a bit changed and incorporates propagandistic slav- and russophob depictions.
Well the synthesis seems to be the longing to have a sexual partner that is fit and can control you and is interested in physical emotions instead of anything else, so that you are basically only your body and don't have to justify yourself as long as you are present and this is a longing and embrace - the existing without having to be useful for extraction of surplus - that is common in capitalism.
Russians look European, speak an European language and have a culture that's immensely inspired by that of other European countries.
There's not really anything "Asian" about them.
Yes, I'm aware that there are two words in the Russian language that are both simply translated into English as "Russian": the one for ethnicity and the one for citizenship. I didn't feel the need to point it out since most people think only of the former.