Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 08 Aug 2023
Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 08 Aug 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 08 Aug 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Many years ago I grew and birthed a baby. Today I did it again. 😎 Feast your eyes on my loaf
Update will happen when I saw into the thing.
Verdict: Lovely crust. Soft inside. Maybe a little under done but still edible. 4/5 yum yums.
Note to ones self: Do not eat the whole thing before the roomies come home.
I must confess I'm impressed at the implied size of your ... orifice. Congratulations.
Thank you. It was hard work but it was worth it.
Looks good enough to eat! Lovely.
Thank you.
baby sawer!
All good things must come to an end
oohh that's nice looking. Would go really nice with some margarine or peanut butter right about now.
Oh yeah it's gonna happen very soon.
That's really nice 😊
Thank you. I'm looking forward to some of your bread recipes now that I'm a pro :)
I admit I didn’t get a chance to have lunch before my appointment and looking at that loaf made my tummy grumble in hunger. Butter that up!
That looks delicious!
Thanks for sharing this recipe, will definitely try it!
Apparently it's International Cat Day. I'd say make sure to spoil your cat, but mine's very spoilt already.
Cat tax: a tabby cat sunbaking his paws through the window
I love him!
He loves you too!
The Herald Scum are at it again. According to them firefighters are being offered a "whopping pay increase". 12% over four years - which means 3% a year. Wow, less than half the current inflation rate, how outrageous. 😡
Exercises for this morning were completed, and to my surprise the Elder Minipeeler asked shyly if he could join me! It was a good teaching moment about not going at it too hard when you're beginning with exercises so you don't hurt yourself and get disillusioned, and doing 10ish minutes a day is a good habit to get into no matter what age or ability you are. He also showed me some exercises he's been taught at school!Let's see if he joins me again tomorrow or starts his own thing!
This is so adorably wholesome!!
Had a chat with my boss, and I apologised for listening to things. He said that it's fine to listen to things, just not to have my phone out. So podcasts and music are back on the menu boys!
good news
Shout out to daycare for being a pit of germs. He's been in 1 bloody day and Im already fighting off some stupid cold thing.
Your immune system is about to see shit it hasn't ever seen. Best of luck, stock up on hydralyte and panadol.
@Eagle @TinyBreak and if you don't have it yet get a standing script for Ondasetron from your GP. Saved my ass 3 times in the first 12 months of my daughters many illnesses (yes, pretty much everything came from childcare, possibly one from swimming class) the one time I didn't have it with me was miserable and the first time I had worshipped at the porcelain throne since pregnancy (which, fortunately, I only had to once... yes I was very lucky)..
Yeah thats the one bright side to this illness, at least its not vomiting or shitting myself.
In 12 to 18 months you'll be invincible.
It's okay guys. The prawns were NOT on the counter. They were defrosting in the fridge. The years are getting to me and I can't remember shit and now I can't find my glasses. God save me.
I'm always saying to myself, "If they're not on your face they're in the case" to get me to put them back in the case when not in use. Doesn't work, I'm often leaving them in some random place!
Lol it's definitely not how it works. I try to put them in the few usual spots but there's always the exception where I feel adventurous and try something else 😂
Now you can have prawns to celebrate!! Isn't it so good that it wasn't the other way around? What will you be making? 🍽
Yes true. Probs just a simple garlic chilli prawno.
Once mine fell on the floor next to my computer, and the arms camouflaged perfectly with black mouse / keyboard cables etc. It took me a long time to find them that time - if you haven't found them yet, good luck!
Thanks lol I found them right on my desk but I actually don't normally leave them there so that's a new one but it was still a big duh.
New fave baby age unlocked: he’s 9 months and when I put on a silly voice for a toy he thinks the toy is talking to him 🥲🥲🥲
3 months is pretty good when they start to smile at you though.
Very true 🥲 The spoiler alert is they are cuteness overload at every age hehe
Curse my stupid healthy sleep routine for making me miss the cool alien space junk. I'm feeling awake and refreshed, but at what cost?
I don't have anywhere/anyone else to show this to, but I caught a shiny Magikarp in Magikarp Jump. I named her Audrey.
So cute!!
She truly is! She didn't win a jump league, but seeing her swim by in my pond, on her well earned retirement, is reward enough.
Imagine golden gyrados 🤤
Excuse me, shiny Gyrados is red tyvm
Get on my level, I'm a pokemon master, son
There was a legitimate big bang about 40 mins ago and I heard it hooray. Apparently something entering the atmosphere.
Videos people got are pretty impressive.
Is that what that was? Loll
Edit: i thought it was my sliding door rattling in the wind lol whoa the videos are insane!
The starchy spud too
So clad only by oodie
Felt above fire rain
If I killed 3 people and seriously wounded another accidently with my cooking my face would be puffy from crying and my body would be so incapacitated that I would not be able to move from the couch.
Just don't go scrounging around for mushrooms to munch, and you should be safe lol
Do you know what I reckon she's done? She's grabbed a toadstool from the back yard and mixed it into the Coles packaged mushrooms, fried em up. Dig in. Bon appetit.
It's quite possible it was completely accidental and she still doesn't care because she hates them because they treated her like a servant.
It would not surprise me if they collected the mushrooms themselves and asked her to cook them.
That's actually a good theory. She could've been hesitant to cook them and wouldn't let the kids eat them.
Ugh, mornings. Should be illegal
Current pet peeve: Repeated doorbell ringers.
I'm not talking the "press button, wait , try again" kind, I'm talking about the utter bastards who will press the button, then if you have the temerity to not IMMEDIATELY open the door to their vaunted presence will hit the button again. And again. And again. And again.
My desk is less than 6m (EDIT: I just measured with my rolling tape for shits and it's actually 4.785m from my desk, to the office door, out the door and then back down the hall) from the front door. If you ring the doorbell more than once in the time it takes me to get from my desk to said door I should be legally permitted to beat you with a chair.
Similar problem at work. IT, but we are -not- helpdesk/support.
Have a few frequent flyers who will continually just keep knocking on our (locked) door, constantly, no pauses, until someone turns up. Don't even have the decency to knock and wait at least 3 seconds.
Inevitably it's something they should be calling the helpdesk for (no we cannot reset your password or create a shared calendar for you) or they want to 'just borrow' some random cable that we'll never see again. They get all huffy when sent away, but it keeps happening.
So thankful we won the fight with management to be allowed to lock our door, it was even worse in the before times...
Sorry that triggered a rant... :|
if they're frequent flyers flag it with their managers. Make sure to couch it as friendly concern for the poor poor idiots dears
Good morning to all you lovely people and pets.
Good morning from Pepper, who is grateful she didn't have to spend last night hiding in the airport carpark, and instead sent purrs and hisses and little tiny growls all around my house.
Absolute cutie! She obviously loves you already!
Good morning Pepper. You dear little thing. I hope you have a wonderful day in front of the heater eating chicken. ♥
FYI I have found that you can edit the photo in any way no matter how minuscule and should load with the correct orientation.
So since we are a very international mob here let's share some good and bad flying stories.
I think my fave flight was flying on xmas eve/xmas day, London-Singapore-Melbourne. The pilots came on board dressed in santa suits and we had xmas dinners and got gifts! Surprisingly the plane was half empty.
Another time, this was before 9-11, I arranged for young Miss Seagoon ( age 15 ), and her friends who were travelling with us, to visit the cockpit. They were allowed to experience the landing into Singapore, they sat in the cockpit. . ( and that's a lovely airport at night , the harbour is so pretty with all the lights )
my dad worked for a multi-national so i travelled a lot growing up.
for the record, i have not flown business class since the 80s.
edit - oh yeah, and that time i flew to Argentina and the plane had an engine failure 2 hours after we'd passed NZ. I was sitting window seat over the wing, and was watching out the window. saw something that looked like that vapour like you see on take off and landing sometimes on a cold day, all wispy-like...then it got a bit thicker and blacker. then there was a small bang and little puff of extra smoke. then the seat-belt lights came on and the pilot very very causually told everyone that we had had an engine failure and would need to turn back to NZ.
Oh man I also remember going up to the cockpit on a Melbourne-Darwin Ansett flight back in 1988 or so. Such a shame my own son will likely not experience that (unless he becomes a pilot himself of course).
My least favourite flight would have to be on a work trip across the Cook Strait between Auckland and Christchurch, in a small (I think Saab) commuter turboprop. Went through a storm so bad that I swear the wings were about to come off... the only flight I've ever been on where a round of applause broke out on landing and the pilots looked physically relieved afterwards.
Melbourne to Toronto 14 years ago (via Sydney and Vancouver), ~28 hours all up. I was withdrawing from nicotine and couldn't sleep a wink. It was a torture I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Flying from Bali to Sumbawa about 20 years ago as a kid. 12 seater airplane. Takeoff was held up for half an hour while the pilot unscrewed the panels containing wiring behind all the cockpit controls etc and tinkered around in there for a while , which was in plain view😬
I flew Melbourne to Toronto via HK (cause it was much cheaper). HK-Toronto leg was like 16 hours. Never again.
Best flying experience was during the airline pilots strike. I had to go to Adelaide on business, and caught the dreaded army cargo carrier there. Which was interesting in its own way but NOT COMFORTABLE. Rows of high school moulded plastic seats welded together and bolted to the floor with seatbelts superglued onto the plastic. Only some of the bolts were loose and the whole confection wiggled and groaned whenever we hit a patch of rough air. Felt like a Centrelink waiting room with added sound effects and no toilet.
On the way back, however, I scored a seat on a 12 seater private jet - single line of seats, sheepskin seat covers, ample leg room, luxxury food, and the pilot did a low altitude sweep over the Coorong which was humming with birdlife and full of water. That flight was magical. We stopped in Mt Gambier to re-fuel, so I got to see the blue lake which was very blue. Also some of the best fish & chips I've ever had at one of the hotels. All courtesy of the plane's owner.
Another good one was from Alice Springs to Sydney over the western plains of NSW. It was just on sunset, and we got high enough that we could see the whole terminator from the plane windows - that is, behind us was broad daylight, then a fuzzy zone, then black night ahead of us. No clouds, you could see the darkness creeping over the land as the sun set.
I’ve got another one for ya. Barely took off from Anchorage, Alaska. Around a 500 meters AGL, a flight crew come bolting towards the rear of the aircraft screaming “WHERE’S THE MANUAL!!??” Everybody looking around shitting themselves haha. Me included.
Turns out we had multiple bird strike. When deboarding after landing you could see the front of the plane riddled with red splotches. Like some giant paintball gun shot the plane.
Flying into (and out of) Lukla airstrip Nepal in '99. On a school trip.. that was a very bad idea.
2nd scariest moment of my life.
I've done a fair bit of flying in my years but I can't think of a single eventful tale to tell from them lol
No misbehaving passengers, no plane troubles.. all pretty boring. I did miss a plane to Thailand once in 2014 because I was too busy chatting in Nandos (so before the international entry/customs in Melbourne Airport) and didn't realise it was so close to boarding/didn't take into account how long it'd take to get through customs and then get to the gate which was a bit of a hike. Ran but didn't make it. That was embarrassing. The annoying thing was I was REALLY early to get to the airport.
Told family and friends the plane had been cancelled until the next day rather than admit what happened. Luckily nobody checked online to see if it was a lie... but I did admit it to my family only earlier this year what actually happened.
I don't have many stories. I have such a PTSD trigger response to the Barefoot Investor though because when I was coming back from Sydney, I had the middle seat and I'm also fat so this middle age grumpy Karen was giving me death glares because I have the audacity to be fat meanwhile I had no idea because I was trying not to have a panic attack (I hate flying).
Best flight - got upgraded to business class on a Cathay flight from HK to Melb. Fell asleep at one point in the comfy seats and I swear when I woke up, the flight attendants put a blanket on me and tucked it around my arms.
Worst flight - flying Caledonian airlines from Toronto to London (Gatwick airport). The food warmer was down so everyone enjoyed a very cold meal. Hot water ran out halfway through due to some technical fault. My parents were quite miffed. Thankfully it's only like 6-7 hour flight.
Since I've gone down a size or two I'm getting rid of the too big clothes and last of the stuff I don't wear anymore. 👍 two bags of stuff for the op shop
I had a little nap. Woke up 2 hours later. We ate bread for dinner. No more bread left.
be prepared 💨💨💨
Oh it's already started. There's a war on.
next time leave the bread in the oven another ten minutes , turn the heat down a little if it's getting too brown
hmm i cbf today
finish cooking, do the dishes, a little walk, and then i'll get back in bed
Really want late night potat. Just remembered I have potat gems and access to a Phillips xl air fryer. Problem solved.
Making glacial but gradual progress on work. Half way through 1 of 6 discussion sections with images. My ability to concentrate is totally shot atm. I kinda wish I did have that psych appt yesterday after all. Maybe meds might've helped.
I've discovered the magic of Slow Rail Journeys and now I just reallllllly want to go on one. Unfortunately it's out of my budget for the foreseeable future, but God if I ever happen to just have a casual $1000 I don't need, I'm 100% going on one
These look amazing!! I didn't know these existed in Victoria - thank you!! (Now to find that $100 I also don't need lol) Edit whoops $1000
thanks for this, The day trip trains they go on are only $70 so I might just go to castlemaine and go on that!
I've officially gone insane. I'm listening to the entire Tornado album by Yes. Look, I have a brand new appreciation for the legendary Squire/White combination, but even the cat is worried about me
I really hate that when I try to study, I fall asleep. Holy shit, so inconvenient. Any suggestions for how to ease it?
sleep first get up early to study
Unfortunately it's due to my brain chemistry more so then tiredness, because the topic doesn't interest me and the questions confuse me, my brain shuts down as it's always seeking dopamine and this doesn't give me the dopamine I need. Lol. But I am going to try to go to sleep and wake up early to do more.
Had my alarm set for 6 am to do some morning Yoga. Even fell asleep before around 11 to get my normal 6-7 hours. Woke up a minute before the alarm, turned it off and closed my eyes for one second.
Next thing I know my missus is waking me up at 7:30.
Who can I blame for this?
The fog.
I prefer a person as the target of my rage.
Did anyone see the meteor shower last night?
No but I heard a bang on my window like two cats rooting.
Oh so that's what that loud noise as last night, I thought it was something else and freaked me out a little as I was trying to get to sleep.
@Duenan @goodviking expert reckons space junk not meteor, my bet is Starlink
I can hear a singer playing an acoustic version of Faith by George Michael. Such a lovely evening 💜
Nice! That, and Tracey Chapman's 'Fast Car', is the go to for every solo acoustic singer on a Sunday arvo at the pub.
It’s surprisingly warm atm so you know what I’m going to say. Get that Vitamin D in right now if you can. Go for a smoko? Idk 10 min break if you’re in the office. Whatever get that Sun and warmth. Who knows how long it’ll last. I can’t enjoy it as I’m about to go into an appointment. Have a bloody good day everyone!
Sunshine being enjoyed as instructed.
Image is of a ginger cat, a black cat and a Jack Russell terrier enjoying the sunshine in a garden.
Very nice. Hope the Sun and sunshine puts you in a good mood today! ☀️
I too subscribe to the JRT/Halloween kitty combo. It's pretty neat!
thank you goddess. I will do so after finishing lunch.
Good good 😊
Shamelessly sat in the gutter of the work car park for 10 minutes because it's absolutely glorious in that sunshine!
No shame. I’ve sat in odd places when there was no seat, just long enough to either rest or eat. You do you and you got that Sun. That’s what matter! Enjoy the rest of the day! ☀️
I went outside for my dose of sun and it was glorious. Verily, did I see that not one, but three (!) ancient nasturtium seeds have germinated. This pleases the kitten.
Excellent sounds like you had a good experience! ☀️
FINALLY. The toil is over! I can sleep soundly for the rest of this week. I'm driving across town to show my face in the office tomorrow because there are still colleagues I like and they're doing a thing. But I think I'll need some extra effort not to be battery acid level sarcastic with certain people...
e: the really good side of today is I had some unexpectedly lovely emails come through. I don't feel like I spiral as much as I did before with confrontation or feeling patronised/ignored. I have a much better sense of self worth and inner peace now and I'm not quite sure where that came from
From the cat ....
😻 the cat has all the answers.
All you need is cat, dum de dum dum duuum...
Offering good lead lithium and cobalt for the energy!
I'll throw in a bit of snake venom for free.
it is better to pack a random bag of dirty clothes to the laundromat and miss a number of items than not do any laundry at all.
Post-coital coffee and smoke. What a decadent life I lead.
Smoking after sex means you didn't use enough lube.
post nothing coffee and pb toast here 🥺
throat feels like a gave a razor a BJ. Do not rate.
Same here ugh. I ate a bunch of ice cream earlier because it felt so nice on my throat haha oops
Is reddit melbourne starting to become a lot like whingepool? It's like the vibe has changed over there.
Seems like it. All the cool peeps migrated here.
Maybe moderation has been reduced as well. Like there were 10 posts about the shooting star, when previously they would all be merged, and posts closed.
What’s the subject at hand?
Mainly general content. For example, I'm now noticing that there's a lot more angry motoring enthusiasts, if anything about driver behaviour / cyclists is being discussed.
People just seem angrier.
We can't avoid the helicopter/loud noises gang here though, it seems... 😒
@Pilk @primefactor raises eyebrow
This is the Fediverse. I'm hoping that the random Twitter-esque moments that we wonder who else local experienced something become a default here, as there is a strong geographic focus already with instances being distributed and located all over the world.
You're seeing other Melbourne Daily threads? I thought we were exclusive!
i am getting up
I don’t really like the mint and tea tree body wash these days.
After years of using multipack soap bars in cardboard I saw the recycled plastic bottle and thought to try it again… the smell isn’t too overwhelming but it’s weirdly moisturising with the feeling of a residue and even on a loofah or puff it doesn’t actually clean you well?
Using it up as shampoo on my hair.
Could be they might’ve changed the formula since you last used it? I noticed a few things in my usage of things whether moisturiser or whatever the one item that worked so well a company will just up and change the formula, screwing up the customers who liked their product before the change. I wonder if this might be the case for you?
Yes, they keep changing things.
The deodorant I used for years is now scented despite claiming not to be, and even then it’s much less effective. The sunscreen moisturiser I used for decades began causing breakouts and hives and now the replacement is too.
They’ve changed this shower gel to something overly gentle and slimy.
ti tree is so over rated as a natural remedy and I just can't stand the smell of it, it's too over powering for me,
I have steak and veg for dinner. I'm doing a tray bake of the veg, and I have so much I'm not sure how I'll fit everything on the plate.
God, I am feeling... dead. I wish to take today off but I also want a long weekend, so I'll just have to grin it and bare it until Friday.
4 day workweek tho! Silver linings lol
Yeah... I'm eagerly counting down the days of my probation being over.
I love when you meet a masseuse who take it personally and see you as their personal project. Like a mother who eyes your dirty kitchen, roll up their sleeves, and make it their mission to right the wrongs. They just get to work, they don't nag about how you've hunched your shoulders too much and get your muscles all tense, they just tell you through the pain they inflict on you as if saying "you see this? rrright there? yeahhhh" and you're thinking to yourself "will I make it outta here? is this where I die?"
Do you make inappropriate noises too? I can't help it.
No I make it a challenge not to. That's the dangerous part. I could just stop breathing and no one would ever know when I'm face down.
“will I make it outta here? is this where I die?”
Sitting here alone
With no one by my side
Well... that was a very circular and unproductive discussion with the boss and admin person. I'm left absolutely no clearer about where things are going and the business still wants to throw everything into my court without providing me enough information to make a decision. I guess that alone is information in itself. I'm so sleep deprived it was probably not the best frame of mind to understand what they were getting at anyway.
Part of me is so over it all I'm tempted to just jump onto fb marketplace and start selling off all my stuff NOW and get away and get out of Melbourne within a month for a clean break and reset.
Buuuut okay, first things first. Start with today. Make toastie. Eat toastie. Drink water. Do the image-insertion thing that I said I'd do (that'll be about 3 hours of mind numbing shit). Meeting at 3:30. Enter timesheet. Feed cat. Then go the fuck to sleep.
Take care of yourself. Nap before you snap.
I napped for a few hours early this morning. At this point now I'm too jangled to sleep until I get this shit out of the way and know it's finally done and dusted for the week.
The good thing is I can probably take half of Thursday and all Friday off with how much time in lieu I've accumulated this week
Anyone here have recommendations for a good yoga youtube channel for a beginner with very low flexibility, dodgy knees and a lot of fat?
I know this has been discussed in the Daily thread previously but I forgot to save it.
Yoga with Adrienne is pretty nice. But be sure to find a beginner routine and not jump into the mid point of the advanced planche series like a friend did.
I second this! Very accessible and down-to-earth, and the beginner sessions are great
Thank you! Will check it out.
Thirding Yoga With Adrienne, she’s so sweet and positive and gives tips on adjusting postures that might not be working for you. She’s also got some videos about how to do some foundational poses that might be helpful if your new to yoga.
I'm waiting till I have the house to myself for the day. Then I'll clear the lounge and have a crack. Thank you!
Fog pretty
You know what chatGPT is good for...? Coming up with inane responses for a PDP.
Laying on the couch, wearing nothing but my oodie is such a pleasurable and decadent experience, it should be illegal.
sigh bliss 😘
oodies are definitely bliss 🤭 I don't know if people know but they are so soft to the touch and very very snuggly
My guest has overstayed their welcome. I don't know how this fly got in but it's been hanging around and popping up randomly in the last few days but I found it following me to the loo just now for a two-ey and I think that's the last straw.
I say let the fly live.
They've made it this far :(
I've lost track of where it is. It lives for another day.
Hit em high hit em low hit em with the old Pea-beu.
Been super aroused lately, smashing blocks of chocolate. Fuck me I'm a pig rn. 🤢
Fuck me I’m a pig rn
you'd need to find someone who's into bestiality
Or a pig..
I wish I could knit and play Baldur's Gate at the same time...
Edit: I feel like I could. It'd just be during cut scenes and combat. But sometimes they're so quick I won't be able to do the knitting.
@RustyRaven@aussie.zone can you please ask the Lemmy people about the 300 comments spinny thing repeated comments and collapsed comments bug problem we have. @useless_modern_god@aussie.zone has the link down below.
Finally braved the cold to open the gates and it's still bloody foggy out there.
In other news, the cats now love Coles Purr cat food. In fact Zooki loves it so much she shoved Sammi out of the way and helped herself from her plate. Usually it's the other way around...
Currently rewatching Chef's Table, and I've eaten at Osteria Francescana, but all I can think about is sardines
forgotten potato weeps in the corner
4 degrees? What do? Why? I'm not built for this climate 😦
I was a bit late getting to the food cupboard this evening and it was picked clean of everything except some spring onions. Which is actually pretty good news, both because onions are the main thing I need more of right now and because it means all the jeruselum artichokes I took up this afternoon are gone.
I'm making bread from scratch. I'm scared and excited all at the same time.
Nah it wouldn't stop me from enjoying the mushrooms. I don't forage out in the backyard for mine.
Oooo you can do it! It's one of my favourite foods to make! Plus your house will smell like baked bread 🤤
Also, take a huge whiff of the dough after proofing; it smells like beer 🍺