I held off on Windows 10 for as long as I could until my job required it. Now this nonsense. I hope this isn't the start of them joining on the web DRM bandwagon.
Fuck Adobe, not supporting Linux, and now not even supporting Firefox, the once most used browser? Whoever pirates their crappy software deserves a statue.
This is the main issue with that web DRM "security" shit that Google is trying to push. They have such a great market share now that big websites can now afford to put a check "only for Chrome" losing a very small percentage of users
Not that the DRM thing isn't going to fuel this behaviour but this is already possible with the current browser specs. The DRM shit will just make it worse.
In my experience, companies typically use this message because they only officially support/test on the listed browsers. They block out any other browser to cut down on support emails. If you spoof your user agent so the site thinks you're using a supported browser, somewhere between 95%-100% of the functionality will usually work just fine.
Sorry, but fuck no. Not even close. I hate adobe, but photoshop is literally better than GIMP in every way. But like some said, there are better options than photoshop.
Adobe, a company which developed nothing but just bought off 3rd party software by acquiring the actual developing company, and stitched everything together somehow, like a Frankenstein's Creature, and finally sold it as a service.
This is also the company that charges you to cancel your membership. Like, 60 bucks or something, sometimes more, to stop using their product. Horrible company. Bloatware, laggy software anyways.
I've refused to use Adobe for a while because of their bullshit. Their main product I care about is Lightroom, but Darktable is a perfectly fine replacement for it
I'm with you, but Darktable had soo many modules that overlap functions that I couldn't get a good workflow going. Now, if we had a good foss copy of lightroom that behaved like lightroom, then I'd jump ship. But it is the bees bollocks so far in terms of usability.
Are they going to be open source, support linux, and end the corporate elitism around graphic design software? If so I'd definitely use it and support it if it releases, if not then I wouldn't. I do not and will not support commercial elitism.
I bet I'm going to get quite a few whiny replies for this from people going "but muh money" or "dEveLopErs nEeD tO bE paYed foR thEiR woRk" if you want to be paid you set up donations, if you think trying to force people to pay is better, just remember that you can't actually Force anybody to pay for anything (hell even Adobe can't, people still pirate Adobe software).
It would certainly be nice to have more Linux and open source projects, but that doesn't seem to be this projects goal. I suspect that there's a market for not always online adobe style products, even with piracy I'm sure the money is a lot better than donations. Also could you share what your definition of commercial elitism is?
Fuck Adobe. As an industry professional I have to use multiple offerings from them, and they have ALL gotten worse, rather than better. It all started going downhill when they started their bullshit subscription-only model.
I have been removing Adobe from my life starting way back with Flash, long before it was discontinued. Then Acrobat and the final thing to go was when I switched to Affinity Photo and Designer and ditched Photoshop. It works every bit as well for me but I never was a Photoshop power user. For a long time the only company that showed up when I searched online to see if my email had been pwned was of course Adobe and that was over a decade ago.
So, you can't use adobe with a widely-used and -accepted browser, you must use one of the notoriously unscrupulous and anti-privacy tech giants' browsers. Nothing worrying there! /s Also, more of "Bullshit As Usual" from adobe
I’d seriously consider if your task can be accomplished with any other software. Personally I find LibreOffice Draw to be a perfectly adequate Adobe Acrobat Pro replacement for most situations. I know everyone has a different workflow though.
That's the go to way to do it, you only allow the browsers that you know work, Firefox probably works fine for most things but maybe one feature breaks and instead of fixing it they decided to remove it from the whitelist
The server just sends files as responses to http requests. If the server is playing nice and just checks the user agent reported by the client, then that's what you would expect.
And, it might make sense to do so in order to provide a product that meets certain requirements. It is certainly worrying that they need to do that, and not a good thing to make products exclusive to proprietary clients.
On Firefox perhaps a UA value can still be set in "general.useragent.override".
Used to do it a couple of years ago, now I just prefer letting websites know that they are still receiving traffic from users running Firefox instead of Chrome.
This is exactly why I switched from Photoshop to Affinity. It's just as good and somewhat even better than PS and it's a one time purchase forever. I will never look back.
@TeepoPeeto@c0mbatbag3l Stuck with Win2k from 1999-2010, was forced onto XP when stuff like games wouldn't install because 2k didn't have Windows Firewall. Never mind the PC already had a decent firewall (think it was atGuard).
Still use Win7, in a VM, as it's where my 🏴☠️ Adobe products run.
Yeah, I'm generally an early adopter of software, even installed XP media center edition and Win 8 as soon as they were available through the volume licensing center. I've never understood the hate around 10 or 11 on the whole. Yes they have a few frustrating aspects, but overall, they're significant improvements. I occasionally use a win 10 device at work, and it feels clunkier than 11 now. 7 was great, but it isn't worth compromising an entire network for.
I held off to - when 7's support ended I moved to 8.1 and used openshell to make it look like 7. When 8.1 support ended I moved to 10 finally. I have to stay on a supported os for security and compliamce, but I make my employer pay for the upgrades and I don't rush to the latest version - as long as its still supported I'm not moving.
I have a light at the end of the tunnel tho. My work tools are getting official linux versions. My work laptop has been windows but my home desktop has been linux. I may be able to drop windows entirely soon.
Edit: "he didn't upgrade AND he disagreed with our hive minds opinion! Quick downvote!" How about you just Go back to reddit losers.
Of course I assumed windows 7, no one liked Windows 8/8.1
I'd wouldn't blame anyone for skipping right over it to 10, it's what I did. We are all required to run 11 now but 10 is still fine from a security posture at the moment in my opinion.
I'm not security, just a network engineer with a background in security auditing, so I could have out of date info on 10 still being safe, but it still gets updates at least.
Adobe has been a constant frustration for me. I was having issues with Acrobat DC on Windows 10 and ended up having to uninstall the 64 bit version and installing the legacy 32 bit version in its place.
I want to use something else for PDF editing but our company refuses to consider alternatives.
That part makes me so mad. I get it if its a "Firefox doesn't support all the webgl features chrome does" problem, but when its just "we said so, that's why" its just absolute total bullshit
I was really hoping that the current AI tool revolution would finally kick Adobe off but with them buying Figma (which shouldn't have been allowed by anti trust in the first place) I don't see that happening yet. One day though.
Everyone was knifing Flash. It had to go. It was a mess and hard to port or secure. I mean Adobe could have open sourced it and it could have got sorted, but HTML5 was chomping at the bit to replace it. Flash content is now slipping into the "digital darkage".
Nah, honestly I get this. They likely don’t let you run it in Safari either.
The problem is that each browser use different rendering and JavaScript engines. They all follow the same spec, but implement things differently, and at a different pace. Firefox tends to be really speedy with adding features.
Rendering is one thing, but for web apps the main issue is how they each implement JavaScript differently. Chromium uses the V8 engine, Safari uses JavaScriptCore, and Firefox uses SpiderMonkey.
Each one of these implementations handle certain JS features differently. Array.prototype.sort is a good example.
This means that when developing your application you need to keep track of what differences each browser has, and write/use polyfills or conditionals to ensure that your methods work as expected on all platforms.
This becomes cumbersome quickly, and easily leads to a messy code base and technical debt as the application grows.
It further complicates testing since you’ll need to test each release on each browser.
The easy cop-out solution is to just support a single platform, and direct people not on that platform to use the browser you’ve developed for.
The go-to choice there is obviously Chrome, since it has the most users. Photoshop Express is a free application developed with the hopes of hooking people onto buying a subscription. Thus they’d want as big a reach as possible. It would make no sense to develop for Firefox and push people to use that instead from a business perspective, most people wouldn’t just download a second browser just to use an app.
Edit: you can obviously spoof your user agent and bypass the check that way. Some features might be broken in Firefox though, and I wouldn’t expect a fix.
As a developer with 7+ years industry experience this is a very weak excuse to not support browsers.
Differences in features are usually down to bleeding edge stuff and I don't think your example of sort would apply because the end result is the same.
I know Adobe are more prone to using newer browser features but there really shouldn't be anything that's not simple enough to assure support across all browsers. Especially for a company as big as Adobe. It's inexcusable. We rarely have to use polyfills now, that was more a problem when I was starting out, mainly due to IE11 still holding out.
The company I work for doesn't test on anything other than Chrome because we have a relatively niche audience that uses corporate-provided computers, and Chrome is available on all machines. The app seems to work fine, but we don't spend any QA resources on it.
The last company I worked for was the same way, but with a little more diverse userbase. Testing on Firefox would increase our QA time, and very few customers cared, so we only supported Chrome. I would occasionally fix things for Firefox, so the app mostly worked fine, but at didn't spend any QA resources on it.
And so on. I'm guessing that's the case here as well. They don't want people complaining about things not working if it works fine on Chrome. Firefox may work fine, but they're not willing to spend QA resources proving it, and they don't want the support overhead from customers complaining if something doesn't work properly with Firefox.
Could be because Safari is using WebKit and so people assume that Safari and Chrome works the same way because back in the day they were quite close.
WebKit is Apple’s fork of KHTML and KJS, both originally made by the KDE project (yes that KDE) for the Konqueror browser.
Google used WebKit (WebCore specifically) when building Chromium, but replaced KJS with a new JavaScript engine called V8. V8 is still used in Chromium today, but also went on to become Node.js
Apple forked KJS, their version is now called JavaScriptCore.
The support for Safari could be because of an assumption that since Chromium was built from Safari, they’d work more or less the same, but they don’t.
This means that when developing your application you need to keep track of what differences each browser has, and write/use polyfills or conditionals to ensure that your methods work as expected on all platforms.
this was a great explanation. I'm fully onboard with the "fuck Google and their web drm nonsense" but there has to be a disconnect from avoiding bad actors and recognizing the reality of the industry. ty for posting.
I feel like it’s necessary to mention that I’m just speculating, and don’t have any affiliation with Adobe, thus I can’t say for certain that I know why they choose to not support Firefox.
I’ve been in the position before though where I’ve chosen not to support non Blink/V8 browsers for the reasons listed above.
The fragmented nature of the web platform makes it a pain to develop for, in a way you don’t necessarily experience with “real” languages.
I have been, and honestly still am, of the opinion that Mozilla should just forego their engine and move to Chromium. Not because one is better than the other - if anything I think Mozilla’s implementations are, as they tend to be more “by the book” - but in unifying the web platform it’d be easier to develop for, and it would bring the added bonus of Google not having as big a monopoly on what goes on in Chromium.
Microsoft moving to Chromium was big in that sense, so I’d love to see an established FOSS vendor like Mozilla exert their influence on the project.
I've tried switching from Lightroom to Darktable and/or Rawtherapee, but found neither to produce the results I wanted. Any other alternatives I should try?
I actually did use Capture One Express for a time and was quite happy, but I recently switched back to my old Olympus MFT and sold my Fuji gear for financial reasons (which unfortunately makes the price for Capture One tricky right now). I may just have to try to make do with Rawtherapee for now.
These are the best foss/free available. I used darktable for some time, and I can say for sure it does the job well, but at the cost of your time. If you aren't into toiling over each photo Lightroom is the way to go
As a fellow web dev, I disagree! Cross browser support adds very little overhead in my experience, and not doing it in 2023 is really just lazy and unacceptable imo.
Back in the day it was harder, especially supporting IE 11-, but now since there are really only 2-3 rendering engines to develop for it shouldn't be as hard.
Also, they already support safari which is the hardest browser to support of the group. Firefox support is trivial compared to making sure it looks good on safari.
Yeah, they should have the resources to hire pretty much the best devs, it's not like they are a startup or in some kind of backwater situation. They're an old company with a big name and a lot of money.
Wow. Before, I could use it with no issues, but then recently, it would just randomly log me out (even on Chrome), so I had to use the app on the Microsoft Store. (Which I'm pretty sure is just a web browser)
Why do you use adobe products? I tried Photoshop about 10 years ago, when i was developing a DLC for a game (multilayer textures up to 4096*4096 with addition, substract effects with AO map, normal, specular maps) it was totally ok with GIMP, but with photoshop it crashed as used about 6x more RAM than gimp for the same file 🤣 and i didnt see any improvement over GIMP. Maybe now it would be different due to the AI things in ps, or maybe not 😆
I didnt paid for it. I created non organic assets (vehicles), and optimized them as possible, including efficient uv maps and easy to repaintable texture, so the automatic uv mapping of such tools wouldnt be a good choice
It is no revelation that this slow shit gradually moves into obscurity, if you can't catch up with the development of web and implement features on time you're out of competition