I held off on Windows 10 for as long as I could until my job required it. Now this nonsense. I hope this isn't the start of them joining on the web DRM bandwagon.
Fair point, Blender isn't for the weak of heart but it's free and getting better and better. It does particles and other things too. After Effects has a steep learning curve too though, you just know it.
We have to stop confusing compositing and motion design, Blender is great for compositing, absolutely not 2D motion design.
The only software that could efficiently replace After Effects on some aspects would be Cavalry, but it’s still on early development.
Wym not photo editing? You can do everything aswell in Krita. Changing hues, retouching, selection, layers, saturation, tone balance. All there.
And you can most definitely use it for pixel art. Even if you don't want to use Krita there exist paint.net, aseprite, piskel or pixelorama. No need for hundreds of dollars for PS.
Honestly ever si ce I discovered Krita I never went back to GIMP. Maybe gimp is more customizable at the base level but fuck me if Krita doesn't make transitioning out of Photoshop a breeze. Changing from PS to Krita is like switching from a metal baseball bat to a wooden one. Switching from PS to Gimp is like switching out your metal baseball bat for an unfelled pine tree.
Sorry, but fuck no. Not even close. I hate adobe, but photoshop is literally better than GIMP in every way. But like some said, there are better options than photoshop.