[…] in blog posts and videos and published memoirs, autistic teens and young adults described living for a decade or more without any way to communicate, while people around them assumed they were intellectually deficient.
On a related note… only 5% of hearing parents with a deaf child will learn sign language.
also those parents could be close relatives, so they could fuck up their offspring genome by transferring recessive genes to them from both sides, and thus a recessive phenotype to be expressed, which most of the time is a disability. shouldnt expect much from such parents
Something trained only on form” — as all LLMs are, by definition — “is only going to get form; it’s not going to get meaning. It’s not going to get to understanding.”
I had lengthy and intricate conversations with ChatGPT about philosophy and religious concepts. It allowed me to playfully peek into Spinoza's worldview, with a few errors.
I have no problem to accept it is form, but cannot deny it conveys meaning as if it understands.
The article is very opinionated and dismissive in that regard. It even goes so far that it predicts what future research and engineering cannot achieve; untrustworthy.
We cannot pin down what we even mean with intelligence and meaning. While being way too long, the article doesn't even mention emergent capabilities, or quote any of the many contrary scientific views.
Apart from the unnecessarily long anecdotes about autistic and disabled people, did anybody learn anything from this article? I feel it's an uncritical parroting of what people like to think anyways to feel supreme and secure.
LLMs are definitely not intelligent. If you understand how they work, you'll realise why that is. LLMs reflect the intelligence in the work which they are trained on. No more, no less.
That's especially fun when you ask the same question in two different languages and get different results or even just gibberish in the other, usually non-English language. It clearly has more training data in English than it does for some other languages.
That very much depends on what you define as "intelligent". We lack a clear definition.
I agree: These early generations of specific AIs are clearly not on the same level as human intelligence.
And still, we can already have more intelligent conversations with them than with most humans.
It's not a fair comparison though. It's as if we'd compare the language region of a toddler with a complete brain of an adult. Let's see what the next few years bring.
I'm not making that point, just mentioning it can be made on an academic level: There's a paper about the surprising emergent capabilities of ChatGPT 4.0, titled "Sparks of AGI".
That might seem plausible until you read deeply into the latest cognitive science. Nowadays, the growing consensus is around “predictive coding” theory of cognition, and the idea is that human cognition also works by minimizing prediction error. We have models in our brains that reflect input that we’ve been trained on. I think anyone who understands human cognition and LLMs cannot confidently say that LLMs are or are not intelligent yet.
I've read a few texts from the same source and they read quite childish.
It felt like reading essays from very young children: there is some degree of coherence, some information is there but it lacks actual advancement on the subject.
Ability to speak seems like an obvious sign on some kind of intelligence and complexity but I don't remember anyone ever arguing that inability to speak means lack of intelligence. We know a plenty of intelligent species that lack the ability to speak a language as complex as humans can but we don't consider them unintelligent because of that.
"LLMs are not intelligent at all"
Sucks to lose your job to a potenttially more competent AI then that lacks any intelligence.
Did you say "sucks to lose your job to a manufacturing robot that lacks any intelligence" to the countless people in manufacturing jobs left destitute by robotics starting in the 1960s?
I did. Change is hard but it's hard to argue that we would be better off without that robotics. It does a lot of work for us and we can all have better stuff because of it. In a better world we'd be excited because it means we all have to do less work but the upper class just keeps finding more stuff for us to do.
Chatgpt has a form of intelligence depending on your definition of intelligence. It may also be considered conscious in a very alien and undeveloped way. It is definitely not sentient.
Kind of like having the stochastic word generating part of a brain and nothing else.
You can still shape it into something capable of intelligent and directed activity.
People are really bad at accepting the level of nuance necessary for this topic.
It is useful and fantastic for what it already is. People are just really bad at understanding what it is.
A lot of people are deeply invested in the notion that human intelligence is unique and special and impossible to replicate. Either their personal sense of worth is bound up in that notion (see for example many of the artists who get very angry when people call AI generated images "art") or it's simply a threat to their jobs and economic wellbeing. The result is a powerful need to convince themselves that there's a special something that's missing from ChatGPT and its ilk that will "never" be replicated by machines.
It's true that ChatGPT isn't intelligent in the same way that human brains are intelligent. But it is intelligent, in ways that are useful. And "never" is a bad bet to make for the rest of those capabilities.
My sense in reading the article was not that the author thinks artificial general intelligence is impossible, but that we're a lot farther away from it than recent events might lead you to believe. The whole article is about the human tendency to conflate language ability and intelligence, and the author is making the argument both that natural language does not imply understanding of meaning and that those financially invested in current "AI" benefit from the popular assumption that it does. The appearance or perception of intelligence increases the market value of AIs, even if what they're doing is more analogous to the actions of a very sophisticated parrot.
Edit all of which is to say, I don't think the article is asserting that true AI is impossible, just that there's a lot more to it than smooth language usage. I don't think she'd say never, but probably that there's a lot more to figure out—a good deal more than some seem to think—before we get Skynet.
Chatgpt is not intelligent. Not in the sense where we use that word anywhere else, including the animal kingdom. Transformer is an extraordinary clever and sophisticated algorithm, thou
Which about five minutes ago was precisely what the term ‘artificial intelligence’ meant, but since tech companies managed to dumb down and rebrand ‘AI’ to mean “anything utilizing a machine-learning algorithm”,
Oh look, the universal signal for "please ignore me, I am a simpleton".
I had no idea that all these years (up until "five minutes ago") I had been playing video games against human-level artificial intelligences 🙄
I'd respond to the rest of it, but there's no point, she doesn't have the first clue what she's talking about. To quote Shakespeare: "it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
The term AI has been rebranded multiple times, but the latest usage is definitely a marketing term used to boost investor sentiment.
Investors are falling for it too. It's funny because I think they were finally coming to realize the broken promises of untold wealth to be gained via tech's early offerings, and starting to realize that their business model is pretty limited (surveillance capitalism with the end goal of ad tech... Which is why Google is willing to end the open web to stop adblockers), and then conveniently "GenAI" is elevated to prominence as what we call "AI" and everyone loses their minds again with fantasy instead of asking how this thing could possibly make any money.
Will I get the free version of this thing to reword "fuck you" in a passive aggressive, more corporate friendly way so I can send off an email to the company? Sure. Will I subscribe to a service that provides that capability? Fuck no.
I do have to say though that I think a lot of programmers appear to have a type of writer's block that I just don't understand, and perhaps the only money generating method for these things other than continuing to push ads may be their purchase as corporate tools. I think the integrations, though faddy and obvious, will be the first things to sail out the door when someone gets the bill, because the APIs often bill via token and these piles of garbage require quite a bit of token to be exchanged to come to any kind of satisfactory result.
EDIT: I wanted to add two things:
I think it's funny that you used the "sound and fury" quote in regards to an article written about ChatGPT because that's largely what I think ChatGPT is...
I find it hilarious that the first, obvious money making application of ChatGPT is to generate junky bullshit websites that undermine the ad-tech business models of the major tech companies...which is a thing we're already seeing.
Yes, now that it has become a marketable product, the term "AI" feels like a buzzword due to overuse. But in actual fact it is still being used (by most vendors) consistent with how it has been used for like 40 years. ML, video game opponents, chess engines: all of these have been referred to as "AI" for at least that long. Anyone who thinks that calling GPT or Stable Diffusion "AI" started "five minutes ago" (or even that it is in any way novel) has to be someone whose only exposure to the concept of "AI" has been through Sci-Fi movies, and not the actual, real field of AI that has been developing for decades. It is, therefore, a very clear signal that the person knows fuck all about the subject and so cannot possibly form a valid opinion. It's just a generic angry response.
And frankly, I think ChatGPT would do a better job of that than the author of the article. At least we wouldn't be wasting actual, valuable, human brain resources making this drivel.
New technology comes out and all people seem interested in is bashing it instead of figuring it how to use it to make our lives easier.
Most of it comes from the way our society is structured to require everyone to have a job or starve pretty much, but if AI is making so many jobs obsolete shouldn't we be trying to change that instead of pretending AI won't keep advancing?
Is a book sentient? It is capable of providing recorded knowledge in the form of sequence of symbols on a specific subject at a level of proficiency far above the reader's. But no, it's static information that originated from a human.
Is a library sentient? It allows for systematic retrieval of knowledge on a vast amount of subjects far beyond what any human is capable of knowing. But no, it's just a static categorization of documents curated by a human.
Is a search engine sentient? It allows for automatic retrieval of highly relevant knowledge based on a query from a human. But no, it's just token based pattern matching to find similar documents.
So why is an LLM suddenly sentient? It's able to produce highly relevant sequences of words based on recorded knowledge specifically tailored to the sequences of words around it, but it's just a probability engine to find highly relevant token sequences that match the context around it.
The underlying mechanism simply has no concept of a world view or a mental model of the metaphysical world around. It's basically a magic book that allows you to retrieve information from any document ever written in a way tailored to a document you wrote.
Yes. LLMs generate texts. They don't use language. Using a language requires an understanding of the subject one is going to express. LLMs don't understand.
This gets to the core of the issue. LLMs are a model of the statiscal relationship between words in texts, in a very large number of dimensions. The intelligence they appear to exhibit is that which existed in their source material in the first place. They don't have a model of the world itself.
If you consider how midjourney can produce photorealstic images of people yet very often it will get hands wrong. How is that? It's because when you train on images, you get a statistical representation of what hands look like without the world model that let's you know that hands only have 5 fingers and how they're arranged. AIs like this are very clever copiers. They are not intelligent
You think by processing the probabilistic association between word sequences? Humans think through world models, we have imagination, a physical and metaphysical simulation of the world around us. Absolutely none of that is involved in how LLMs work. There's a lot to be said about the utility of association of knowledge embedded in symbols, and having a magic book that can retrieve pre existing information in context is incredibly useful and I think it will have an impact on the level of the printing press and the internet, but just because it's incredibly useful at retrieving knowledge doesn't mean it works anything like how a human brain works.
Language makes a poor heuristic for intelligence because language is multidimensional and cannot be easily quantified or qualified. Language is expressed in so many varied ways. It is even different between cultures and expressions of language even vary as well. Indeed the article you're referring to is quite good.
Here are some correlations of language skills and other intelligence factors or evaluations (e.g. IQ) via a study (recently integrated the info into the article: Neurogenetics – language GWAS
Yes they did. And some of it did happen at much slower pace. For example, the job numbers of secretaries were significantly reduced. Also, the outsourcing, enabled by technology, had great impact on job market in us. The thing is this trend will be faster and broader with AI, due to universality of it and due to general increased rate of technological progress. If in the beginning of 20th century people had lots of time to adapt, when horse carriages were replaced by cars, nowadays I am not sure it will be that easy because it will happen faster, and new jobs for people might not be generated in the same amounts. For example, when drivers of all kind are replaced by AI drivers, there are very little new jobs will be generated, and not of the kind that drivers could do.