Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 07 Aug 2023
Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 07 Aug 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 07 Aug 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Only a few days until Adam comes home. First vet visit all booked in, and have bought all sorts of supplies. Mostly marketplace so I've saved a fortune.
Enjoy the dog tax
Aww 🥰
Hey all,
Hope you all had a good weekend. I forgot to show you guys the cover for the next book in my Van Diemen's Valley series.
I absolutely love how creepy it is.
Love it Dan!
Thanks. I can't take any credit for it (except the concept idea). The artist who did it does incredible work.
That is really awesome. We need to get you into the Readings Children Book shop,
They have openings at specific times of the year. I keep forgetting to email them when they're open.
Super creepy! Looks awesome, congrats!
Thank you!
That's so cool!
Thanks. I think it's pretty awesome. It's my favourite book of the series too.
Geez that legit reminds me of a nightmare I had this morning. I can't handle spooky anymore. Even "Invasion of the Blue Lights" freaks me out to think about. Having said that, the artwork is really fantastic.
It's pretty freaky. He did a great job.
Gorgeous! Those searchlight eyes! Is it available to purchase yet?
Just getting a final edit done and then I'll get it ready to release. Hopefully by the end of the month :-)
It bodes poorly for the rest of the week that the CBF rating is at "catastrophic" and its not even 10am on a monday morning.
Oh I hear ya. 3 hours into my working week and I am DONE...
Right here with you.
I was close to pulling a sickie this mornjng which it usually never gets that bad lol. There's something about the weekend and this Monday...
Been feeling like it too and nearly pulled the trigger today because my health is not the best.
I don't know what it is about my workplace but i can't stop scratching my legs and they're really bad now.
Anyway I did manage to get to work but I only have maybe 1 sickie left before I need a certificate.
The Cat allocation system struck us today. Welcome Pepper
New kitty?!?! So pretty!! I look forward to tales of Pepper's hijinks
Her hijinks started with being found under a car in an airport hire car terminal. And then getting Turkey sandwich for lunch.
Hello Pepper! You're beautiful!
She is. I just need her to stop hissing at her new brother and sister. They're friendly and trying, but she's not having it!
e: I am reliving my late teen 70s prog rock obsession and rediscovering how unbelievable Yes was (RIP Chris Squire the most insane bassist ever).
e2, 3:42am: we have now moved to Jean-Michel Jarré. Garlic powder is a game changer in cheese toasties BTW. Also this decaf tea is pretty awesome. I feel awake but not hyper. Calm, even. I could go to sleep on it if I wanted to but it's also keeping me awake
e3, 5:54am: looks like it'll be a rare true all nighter. And also, I have vastly underquoted for this project.
e4, 6:24am: fuckit, that's the best I can get through right now, a damn good set of data and maps that was crafted through an absolute mess. Time to get a few hours sleep before the psych appt.
!!!!!! I have achieved LAP CAT AT THE DESK STATUS
it turns out she just wanted a cushion to lie on instead of directly on my lap.
I am most beautifully trapped, but she has a clear message for me....
😻 Congrats!! Good kitty, keep up the good work, make sure Just_kitten gets no work done.
She's going to have to stand in for me at my purrformance review... Not sure if that arm twisting tactic will work with my boss.
Kitty is obviously attempting alt-f4-ing for foodz and patz
I think she's just very concerned about proper OH&S procedures. Here she is following LOTO (lock out tag out) with my dominant hand.
Falling asleep at the computer but I have a very hard deadline of 9am tomorrow to get this thing out. Drawing on those last reserves of self belief and confidence to trick myself out of how pointless this is and that in fact I am awesome at being succinct and presenting data in an elegant and concise manner. I've broken out the emergency matcha Quadratinis from overseas.
e: in happier news my shakti mat should now be arriving by Thursday or Friday. Come sooooon 🥺 🙏
I'm so sick of owners/directors/managers who make a workplace toxic. I work with really good people but I don't think I can work for the owner of the business I work for anymore. Pre-covid I had the fortune of working for two employers who took workplace culture very seriously and made sure that work was a positive, welcoming and supportive environment. Including my current role I'm now two for two on toxic workplaces. I'm really sad because I thought I had finally found my people, but my boss is awful and conniving and doesn't care if I'm thrown under the bus. I know the future will be fine, but it just sucks right now. The job hunt begins...
My version of All In Brawl. I was too busy eating my bit to take a picture, so this is what's left.
Yuuuum. Well done and there's leftovers 👍
I refuse to let this Monday get me down as it’s persistently trying to. The Sun is shining warm and bright. Friends if you can go outside for at least 15 mins, get your dose of Vitamin D. Shine on and hope the rest of your Monday turns out better! ☀️
That's the way. I hope your day gets better. ☺
Thanks I’m heading home now. Got frustrated because I had one final thing that tried to mess me up and at first my mood was that’s it i’m going home, digging a hole and getting in. But on the way home, my mood changed and now I’m going home and chill with a tv series I’m almost finished
I'm not lying when I say I really love herbs and spices. And my label maker.
And that's not all of them :)
Awww yeh!! At home i have your typical above stove cupboard with 2 shelves that is completely full, 2 deep on each shelf. I then have an entire basket under my butchers block full of spices and another full of sauces haha
Hello kindred spirit. Don't get me started on my condiments.
All the spice! Love how tidy everything is!
It's just so I can find stuff in there.
Nice collection of native spices! I'm curious to know which ones you rate
Lemon myrtle is the king. I mainly use them on steak so mountain pepper is up there.
My faves are mountain pepper and saltbush currently. I also have a ginger berry and Riberry plant growing at the moment but neither have fruited yet but im excited to try them when they do
One day I hope to achieve this with both herbs/spices and also pasta.
One day!
You only need to buy the ones you'll use. Many of these are refilled from packets of Hoyts.
The best bit of advice I got early lockdown was to get all the herbs and spices. Because, I ate a lot of frittatas, rice and kale.
Rest day from exercises today but tummy exercises completed. T-shirts look different now, look strangely stretched like I just pulled the pillow out from there!
Wondered why I am so gassy and my farts are heinous.
Sour cream; I bought sour cream. I forget it does that to me.
Edit: i also have the worst headache rn from teeth-grinding. Reminder to self to buy a mouthguard 💀💀💀
Mmm sour cream with corn chips, potatoes, fries...
Do you ever make something and think oh this is pretty healthy? Oh no wait except for the shitload of bacon and the extra extra extra cheese I put in. Anyway I made a vegetable frittata bake quiche pie thing. I'll come up with a better name.
Image of a dish of vegetables baked under cheese. I have renamed it "The all in brawl" due to the amount of vegies in there fighting each other.
Its funny looking at recipes online sometimes and they look tasty and they have a few serves of veg so look healhtyish etc, but then they have a creamy sauce or something and butter and pasta/bread and they end up being 800+ calories per serve
That's so true.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. So many of your dishes look so good 🤤
Thank you.
Frittata is probably in my top 10 fun words to say
That sounds a lot what I am planning to make today. If you come up with a good name let me know. I've been going with a working title of zucchini/potato/egg bake thing.
See above. It's been renamed
My dinner tonight was really good. Cheers all round
Could I have made it more pretty? Yeah
Could I be bothered? Nah
Nice. I have my own version of All in Brawl in the oven now - it took longer to make than I planned for, so it is going to be a late dinner. I also made more than I was expecting, so will have lots of extra servings. Hopefully my version works as well as yours.
I'm sure it will. Make sure you post a pic.
I went outside to have a quick look at whether the beetroot seeds I planted had sprouted, and ended up doing 45 minutes of weeding. It's beautiful out there.
Looks like some of us collectively caught Mondayitis today. Today can shove it. Everything has gone wrong since I’ve woken up. I’m ready for Tuesday
Now it makes sense why everyone hated my sushi. They're just having bad days. Ok phew!
Uhhh like I like you, you have some good ideas, I’m not a hater but…. That sardine sushi, their comments were right hugs you’re a top person I swear especially the micro tatoes
Don't listen to them. Me and all the neighbourhood cats love the idea.
A list of things I've done so far instead of my assignment:
You sound like me - the house is never so clean as when I have a looming deadline
100% me, I'm about to start cleaning now. Lol.
The nicest sardines I have ever eaten came from Western Australia, and had a sprig of lemon myrtle included in the tin. They were blissful. I really like that flavour.
I just watched a HBO doc series on obesity . The scientists and doctors talk about all the changes in society that have caused this new epidemic. They describe our food environment as hostile!! The food we buy now is different to what was sold 30 years ago, it's much higher in calories.
Watching the series of course led to self reflection. I'm over weight, about 15-20 kg overweight. So how did I get this way. I grew up eating very little junk food. We never ate out, treats were rare, snacks were generally healthy.
I pretty much do the same. I rarely eat out, cook healthy meals at home. So little junk food. I do get lollies sometimes. ( I used to buy treats at least once a week ) I bake a cake once a month. I do like creamy yoghurt , have it once a week. I think I eat too big portions, and that is something the documentary talked about too.
Just for the record I have never been to kfc, to subway, to hungry jacks, to pizza chains, haven't been to maccas in a decade and then it was just to get an icecream, no taco bell, I've never had a hsp or bahn mi. Local fish and chip shop once a month and I wouldn't over eat.
Yet I'm fat. I've cut down portion size a lot, say no more often, I don't buy trouble. Hope I lose weight.
Obesity rates are climbing in all western countries. Hostile food environment is a good way to describe it. People are told to blame themselves, eat less exercise more, but our environments are not conducive to it. I read somewhere that our microbiomes have changed and that could be a contributor. I don’t think people 50 years ago had more will power, and plenty of people had sedentary jobs back then too. Who knows.
exactly, and when I look at how I live, I do a lot of walking, I generally eat healthy , I'm still fat. I make so few mistakes yet the consequences are severe.
I wonder if some of it is just genetics though. Even going back centuries there have always been people who were heavier. I think of poor Mama Cass.
all my grandparents were thin/normal. My parent's generation and the generation after that are fat. Could be that my parents grew up in a war induced famine. That messes you up .
What's your activity levels though? I eat like a racoon, but i also do a lot of physical labour. It's not just intake, it's expenditure as well.
I exercise/walk between 5 and 10 hours a week. For my age that's really good.
I'm also 62, my metabolism is slowing down, my hormones are lower than they used to be.
A while ago I watched a doco with the UK twin doctors Xander and Chris. One ate sugar/carbs the other fats for a month. Neither of them put on weight. They start talking to scientists who said that it's only when the two are combined that the mice put on weight. Think chocolate, icecream, doughnuts etc.
Think chocolate, icecream, doughnuts etc.
I eat very little of that.
But then past me ate more of those things and I am still paying the price.
My point is my diet was mostly good. It was just a few treats a week ( I might get 2 donuts from qvm or some lollies each week or have a few icecreams )
with even so few mistakes over the years I still put on a lot of weight.
Here's an article for you Sugar vs fat
The cat is licking my sock. Sock-licker, window-licker, powercord-chewer. Smol demon.
Young Miss Seagoon used to have a cat that would stick her head in people's boots. So to subdue her for brushing we placed a shoe nearby, she'd stick her head in it, then we'd brush.
Surely it's Sunday and bot has made an error. Surely
As someone who had to work on the weekend but now has three days off I am very grateful that it is not Sunday.
You do have my sympathies though, I still remember the horror of Mondays from my times with standard work hours. Two days off is not enough.
It is Monday 👔👖👞🎩💼 🥔 off you go
I just wanna play more Baldur's Gate, and not go to work.
Time to be a streamer? How’s you engaging skills? And entertaining skills etc?
I've been thinking about it but for writing so do writing sprints and such. But I never went through with it.
Once it's out for the PS5 and I get it, I'll be taking a week off work...followed by another.
yikes. Person hit by train near North Melbourne station, Sunbury, Werribee and Williamstown trains are being replaces by buses with about a ~60 minute wait. Glad I decided to stay home tonight
that's awful 😔
Yeah it's terrible. I was listening to the fire radio though, and they said he was conscious and stable
disappointed to have won neither the $100m or $20m lotteries in the last few days. doesnt seem fair.
Same. Had some grand plans for a few million, but now they'll have to be put on hold for a while.
I was too busy stuffing my face to take a picture, but breakfast this morning was supurb. Waffles, caramelized pears and thick greek yoghurt. As a bonus there are six more waffles to go in the freezer for later.
Every now and then, I take the time to unsubscribe to the shit that lands in my junk mail because IDK, procrastination. However, I find the more I do that, the more things pop up that I was never seeing. Like, I'm suddenly getting spam from a store I visited in another country 8 years ago and I'm reasonably sure it isn't new that they're sending out marketing emails.
Anyway. I'm currently avoiding the fuck out of some tasks that I really need to do, which is making me grumpy because if I would just do them, it would be a weight off my shoulders. But instead, I'm avoiding them and creating a Grumpy Loop. Oy, Monday.
Any business that doesn’t respect my unsubscribe request just goes on the junk/blocked list. If I say I’m not interested in your spam, I’m not interested in your spam.
rite aid keeps sending me emails these days. I haven't been to America for years.
Rick-rolling with pixel art -
Not mine, but I did contribute to that little flower.
After being inspired by Force's sardine sushi, I will try to get over my distaste of canned/tinned fish and make some this week.
The distaste is from living with cats all my life; their wet-food smells like tinned fish lol
Now not that I'm saying sardine sushi wasn't amazing, but it's perhaps not the best reintroduction to tinned fish. Maybe just try with crackers first
I like to do tuna that has the add ins (so like mayo and corn or lik|e sundried tomatoes) with rice as like a sushi bowl kind of thing.
Like the fish king said crackers or my preferred buttered toast.
I am glad I carry a Totoro satchel. It makes so many people smile. 😊 Little kids and even old people.
I made a huge batch of pasta for lunch with the idea to take some to work tomorrow. I ate it all instead. Now I'm too full, and sad.
Turn that frown upside down friend. You might not have any pasta for work tomorrow. But just think that food tasted so damn good you couldn’t help yourself. Next time maybe cook double the pasta (literally just the pasta) so you can eat your fill and have left overs. I’m always happy if I can finish my food all in one go. You’ll just have to find something else for lunch tomorrow. That’s ok
So be my muse baby, hush enough talk,
Come swim in my rivers, occupy my thoughts.
I want to feel you baby, your hand on my face,
As you kiss me softly floating in outer space.
Morning dog walk has been completed. The food cupboard yielded some zucchini noodles and potatoes, so I am going to do a zucchini/potato/egg bake, and an experimental zucchini pickle.
It's probably one of my weird little things, but when ever I watch anything set in the 1930s I always get a little sad knowing they have no idea how the whole world is about change.
It's my Saturday and I know I should get out of the house but I really don't want to. Being back in the office for shift work just makes me want to spend my weekends in bed, which is just not healthy.
Have you tried getting a cat? Miss Meow works like an alarm clock with claws, and does not permit sleep-ins.
I have a cat, but more often than not he just gets fed when the housmate feeds theirs.
this does look like in-bed weather
What could I have had,
If I was dealt a different hand
What could I have been
If I played them differently
Between the starlight and the sea
Rolling waves crashing over me
Tossed around endlessly
What could I have had
If I spent my life working hard
What could I have been
If I was someone different completely
Love me or leave me
It makes no difference to me
This is who I am now
Between the starlight and the sea
I sensed something weird with the bacon once it went in with the stir fry noodles and decided to pick it back out. It smelt fine in the packaging but once it got into the wok it just smelt a bit...funny. Hopefully I don't die from this. I also regret forgetting to put in the other protein - egg.
if i smell off i'm no good. thank you for not making me kill you
Straight in the bin you go but one day I will get you again and put you in the freezer so you'll never ever go.
Been awake (and up and down) with indigestion since about 2.
And of course every time I almost nodded off Zooks started nudging me for food.
I've just fed her and crawled back in so hopefully I'll be able to nod off.
Commiserations. My reflux kept me up until about 1.30am with a brand new burning sensation in my stomach. It’s horrible.
See your GP, get a script for Pantoprazole. It's wonderful stuff.
Hey @Force_majeure122@aussie.zone I brought some of your friends home. Feast at my joint. BYO seaweed.
Yes please 🙏
I enjoyed those mussels, but felt a bit ripped off by the sauce to mussel ratio.
Ugh. Stupid bladder.
I finished my name in the pixel circlejerk!! Woo!
Nachos, sleepy pusscats and a rewatch of Interview with the Vampire
Life is good.
Online Orders 1 Week Delivery Challenge update: order 1 of 4 has arrived today. Off to a good start!
New Ray-Bans from Myer (via Sunglass Hut apparently) have arrived. My existing ones, which are exactly the same, have gotten so manky from years of use that I forgot how nice they used to feel/look. I think the thing which really did them in was taking them near sea/ocean water a bunch of times. Salt water and sunglasses are not friends.
PixelMadness is done.
#Worldle #563 1/6 (100%) 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🎉 ⭐⭐🪙 https://worldle.teuteuf.fr 📷 #WhereTaken🌎 #162 3/6 🎉 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Did manage to get back to sleep and slept until something after nine, I think? Only got up recently because Sammi decided I needed to stay in bed and be her pillow.
The CBFs seem to be in evidence and I'm not even working yet unless you count the executrix stuff. Alas, I will have to go out for cat fud at some stage due to the felines developing hollow tails over the weekend.
Edit: who the fuck downvoted this?
Spent 3.5 hrs on PT today.
Today shall be known as 'hurr durr let's use the phone loudspeaker' day.
It's getting worse we need to act. The death stares do noothing..
Special shoutout to (but not limited to) the MF crushing candy at full volume all the way from g-town to southern x. My eye lid is still twitching.
I’m always tempted to either join in the conversation or start having my own about something gross like haemorrhoids.
Personally I'm cool if it's a convo, but games and music just becomes too much.
In today's episode of Cooking Adventures with a Sardine Enthusiast we will be experimenting with Sardine Sushi 🐟🍣
To start, cook some rice. I used Coles white long grain and cooked it on the stove with a bit of salt. Then you want to pour in a little bit too much vinegar, and the olive oil from your can of Sardines (discard any non-olive oil, disgusting), and mix. Wait until your rice cools a bit (I didn't, ow), Spread out your rice onto a sheet of seaweed as shown. Press it down a bit. Add some hot sauce in a neat line like so. Arrange your sardines like they were confused and swimming in opposite directions of each other (they don't do this in nature, but that's okay). Roll it up. If your not experienced or don't have a sushi mat it's okay, just mash it all together and it will kinda work. Voila!
I’m calling the police
In wiling to attend court as a witness
Have you experienced the glory of mashed potatoes and sardines? With a blob of tangy hot sauce on top?
Mate. It all started with potatos and sardines!
This is genius.
Thank you, I'm glad there is at least one person here with an eye for beauty and genius.
Pepparkaka acquired. All downhill now…
Have you ever tried stroopwafels? If you haven't you're in for a treat.
I cannot have them in the house because I will devour them. DEVOUR!
I'm here to promote everything stroop, and also to petition that half of those Poffertjes vans at markets and such are replaced with Pannekoeken vans.
oh god I love these
I nearly ate the whole packet and now I’m not sure if I can eat lunch. I shall endure.
I want to preface by saying I understand, I'm annoyed but I understand.
One of the things I've enjoyed about my job is I can listen to my own stuff. I find total silence annoying so being able to do my own thing while doing my job is great. However, I just got off the phone with my job provider who said how my boss and her spoke and that I shouldn't be using my phone to listen to things because it's distracting. Which I'm annoyed about because it's accommodation for me.
So she suggested that she'd get a radio, and I replied saying that I find it distracting to listen to music with lyrics in them. And she said how "there's probably a classical music station" which fine, I don't mind classical music, I still hate it. I asked for a Bluetooth one and she said she'd look into it but yeah.
I'm just annoyed, like I enjoyed the fact that I could listen to my own stuff but having to listen to my boss chewing or snorting is going to be absolute hell on Earth. And it's not going to make my concentration better. I just, ugh.
Wait, so you're not allowed to listen to music through headphones but having a radio that everyone can hear is deemed okay?
Like at the moment it's just us two, but he talks on the phone to clients and freelancers. So it'd be annoying having to talk on the phone with music playing.
Did the last hour of work W/O listening to my own thing and he was talking to a freelancer and I was about to bash my head into the monitor.
That sucks, what an archaic way to look at things. I constantly have something playing on my phone (a podcast, a TV show I've seen 100 times, music) as background noise, it drowns everything else out and it's a lot easier to sink my teeth into my work. People function in different ways and they should at least try to understand that.
Like I appreciate the offer to get a radio, but what I listen to doesn't affect how I work. I'm just annoyed and frustrated. Might actually commit to that mental health day off sometime this week.
Panadol didn't ease my sciatica at all. Back on taking some aspirin, which I don't really want to do.
The poison mushroom situation that killed 3 people is awful. I can’t comprehend why people would eat random mushrooms they pick in the wild. It wouldn’t even matter if I was an expert botanist of fungi, I can’t imagine ever having enough certainty to risk killing myself for lunch. Just go to colesworth. Holy crap.
I’ve been reading up on this. Seems suss the person who cooked the poison meal didn’t get sick? So they didn’t eat their own meal, even try it during cooking?
Yeah like "I've cooked mushrooms for everybody but I don't eat them and my kids don't eat them. Enjoy". 🚩 🚩 🚩
They were old and may asked the younger DiL to do the cooking. I get asked to cook things all the time. 🤷♀️
Yeah it’s weird. They haven’t said if she picked the mushrooms herself or someone else did. But, why cook a meal with mushrooms if you don’t like mushrooms? And her comment was ‘I didn’t do anything’ is odd. What does that mean? Didn’t do what? Pick them, cook them? Could just be a tragic mistake, but also feels odd.
It’s possible they were feeling the pinch on food. Wild mushrooms are terrifying though. I could never be sure enough
There is a belief that wild and natural food ( or home grown ) is better for us than shop or supermarket bought food.
It's an ignorant belief and this the outcome.