"Adultery has ruined many a man and the more power or attention the more this attack is ready," Tennessee Republican David Hooven wrote on his website.
Tennessee Republican David Hooven has vowed not to be alone with "a member of another sex" if elected to the state's House of Representatives, as "from Presidents to janitors all are tempted." Hooven made the pledge on his official campaign website, where he said that if elected "my primary focus will be to honor God."
Ever hire on to a new job, and immediately say your primary focus will be something completely irrelevant to your job description/duties?
Like if I hire on as a nurse at a local hospital, and the first thing I tell the nurse manager is: "My primary focus will be browsing cat memes." Guess I can take care of a patient here and there if I get bored. No biggie, right?
I find it super weird that all these men who claim to be super-religious simultaneously claim that they don't have control over their own animal urges. He is basically saying "All men are tempted by all women, and there's nothing I can do about it, so we should just eject unescorted women from anything important, for their own protection, because I can't be trusted".
Thats bullshit. That man took a (presumably religious) vow to honor his wife, and shouldn't expect the rest of the world to perform the hard part of that vow for him.
And if you think such a man wouldn't vote to make it a crime to be alone with someone of the opposite sex who isn't your spouse then you haven't been paying attention. They want us to become Gilead.
If he wants to honor god, shouldn't he become a priest or something? It's bullshit how many politicians think it's okay to push their religious views onto everyone else (and even more bullshit how they don't even get punished or stopped from doing so).
I mean it sounds a heck of a lot more like he doesn't want to create any room for false accusations. I know professors who follow this logic and don't hold private meetings with any students primary out of protection of themselves from being accused of something. If you're a politician with enemies I can at least see the logic to some extent.
These people know that everyone knows they can't be trusted, so they set up these weird rules that I guess they assume are what normal virtuous people do.
It's like proving you're not an alcoholic by showing everyone you're throwing out all the alcohol in your house. Sure that's good I guess, but normal people don't have to do that in the first place, and also nothing that you did actually prevents you from completely going back on your word.
Men can have sex with each other too. As a man, I don't know if I'd feel safe alone with him. Maybe no one should be alone with him. I don't think anyone would be safe.
I would wager money the reason this dude is afraid of being alone with a woman is because he was tempted before and "couldn't stop himself". Religious psychopaths, the lot of um.
Tennessee Republican David Hooven has vowed not to be alone with "a member of another sex" if elected to the state's House of Representatives, as "from Presidents to janitors all are tempted."
Hooven made the pledge on his official campaign website, where he said that if elected "my primary focus will be to honor God."
The contests in District 52 and 86 saw the re-election of two Democrats who had been expelled from the House after joining a gun control protest inside the building in March.
Hooven made a number of vows on his campaign website, which he solemnly pledged and promised to uphold if elected.
The election was called after Republican Representative Scotty Campbell resigned in April, after an investigation found he'd violated the legislature's policy on workplace harassment and discrimination.
Also on Thursday, 12 candidates ran to be the next mayor of Nashville, with Freddie O'Connell and Alice Rolli topping the poll with 27,470 and 20,458 votes respectively.
and then we should pull that thread a little further and say that actually that’s sex discrimination so rather than remove the women from his work force just remove him instead
Maybe he's had historical adultery issues. Him staying away from temptation or any way for it to look sketchy shouldn't be a news story? Sounds like people just want to hate more on republicans.