10mm socket, commonly known by mechanics to be the single most lost tool on the planet. Most cars use them a lot, but they're always nowhere to be found
It's the One Ring crafted in secret by Sauron, a corrupted Maiar. The One Ring to rule them all, the One Ring to find them; the One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness, bind them.
It is a zip tie, frequently used to attach two things although in most cases it is pulled tightly and this is a rare case of it being used as a simple loop.
I dont do tools, or work on cars or anything, but I literally just bought a $20 rachet set with like 50+ pieces, and the one time I use it on my car to remove the battery, I lose the 10mm... I didn't realize this was so common. I must have spent like an hour in the parking lot looking for it and felt a fool for losing it. This isn't so much humorous as it is vindication! I am not a fool! Or atleast, we all are.
Oh I guess I misread the other comments, I assumed they were talking about a wrench or something to use on the socket rather than the socket thing itself
But Sauron doesn't need to have the ring to draw power from it. Even without knowing where the ring is, he'll conquer Middle Earth unless it's destroyed.
Just because you lost your ratchet head doesn't mean that someone else doesn't find it. Like, Gollum's buddy found a 10mm ratchet just splashing around in a river.