devilish666 26 1 Replyfartsparkles I don’t get it (and I’ve read the books too).
16 0 ReplyJesus_666 Someone ziptied the ring to a 10 mm wrench socket. Wrench sockets have a reputation for inexplicably getting lost, never to be found again.
52 0 ReplySpaceNoodle especially the 10mm one
33 0 Reply
lurkinglizzard It is a 10mm socket. If you own one, you have not been using it, because they always get lost. It is a running gag.
21 0 Replyfartsparkles Oh, weird. I use one regularly to disconnect the car battery and I’ve never lost any. News to me it’s a meme. Thank you for enlightening me!
13 0 Replymexicancartel The big(10mm big) wrench wants you to buy more wrench sockets
1 0 Reply
plastic pope OP
Basically nobody is physically carrying it. And that is a laptop locking mechanism. So nobody could have taken it from the carrier. It’s just silly I guess.
1 5 Replyfartsparkles That’s a 10mm socket wrench head on a zip-tie.
That is not Kensington lock…
16 0 ReplyBluJay320
I’m still confused, how is this a laptop locking mechanism?
2 0 Reply
dktr z-order error
8 0 Replygo $fsck yourself I believe the ring does have the ability to exert its magic on its surroundings. It can also change its size. So if you took this scenario seriously, I think it could break the zip tie.
6 0 ReplyAlbum
Weird I was looking for my 10mm yesterday and couldn't find it :(
5 0 ReplyPeteZa The 10mm 💀
2 0 ReplyÚwÙ-Passwort So are they invisible or is only the zpzie invisible?
1 0 Reply