Trump's sudden obsession with transgender issue came out of nowhere but I have a theory. I think that he tried to sexually assault a woman during the campaign and when he grabbed her crotch he got a handful of penis.
It didn’t come out of nowhere and it isn’t surprising. It’s part of the fascist playbook to demonize that which they cannot subordinate to their cult of machismo and their fairytale of a golden past.
OMG, that's literately the subplot of Too Wong Foo. A cop attempted to sexual assault one of the protagonists, who was a drag queen, and he goes on a search to arrest them after they fought back.
Nah he just realized they're a great target to attract a big crowd of bigots behind him. Once they've been dealt with he'll move on to another group to bully, maybe the rest of the LGBTQ crowd.
The amount of attention put on such a tiny fragment of society is astounding. If everything is transgender, try getting a fucking hobby. Oh wait you already spend an equal amount of time golfing on my dime while saying you're saving me money...
Huh. Is HE transgender? Has he been looking at an unusually significant amount of trans porn lately? I don’t get it. It seems to be on his mind an awful lot.
Literally nothing is. There are so little trans people in this country you could fit them all in an averaged sized gymnasium with plenty of leg room. More cis people choose self identifying names than trans do. This whole fucken bullshit is just bigotry and scapegoating so the elite can continue their 50 year old grift without having to adjust anything at all. Its controlling for the sake of controlling.
You are massively underestimating the trans population. It's estimated to be about .5% of the population, about 1 in 200 people. That's over a million in the US alone.
Yeah its a bit of a hyperbole but I'm trying to high light just how little trans people there actually are. For instance, there are far more witnesses to mass shootings than there are trans people.