We just took our first step and cancelled Netflix! It's a small thing compared to some of you, but we're here to stay! Becoming more and more aware and striving to buy European!
Canadian here. We cancelled Netflix and all of our Apple services.
It’s the churn that will really hurt the U.S. companies when they realize the only ones buying their products are Americans, and in order to appease their share holders they’ll need to have price increases more often and much higher.
Does anyone know of a recommendation engine as robust as Netflix? Trying to talk my wife into canceling, but it's very good at suggesting new content, which is hard to let go of.
trakt.tv used to have good recommendations when i tried it, but i don't use Netflix so I don't know how they compare. There's also https://couchmoney.tv/ that works with a Trakt account.
This app seems amazing. Tomorrow I'll look into installing radarr on my Raspberry pi 5, then connect it to the app. Kodi is already on there with Elementym so it's a great addition.
Kodi with Real Debrid. I have used it for a couple of years now. Can get everything as soon as it comes to streaming. I run it through an nvidia shield but you can use fire sticks or chromecast, you also need a VPN and ~$10 every 6 months subscription fee. It's a bit of an upfront cost and will take maybe half an hour to set up but it's totally worth it. I haven't paid for a single streaming channel in about 5 years so it's paid for itself several times now.
Canadian here - canceled Amazon Prime, and deleted Meta's Facebook and Messenger. I also canceled my Norton subscription and will be replacing it with Avast. I'm canceling Google One cloud storage and have changed my default search engine to Quant.
I know I'm just one family, but if we all do this kind of stuff, what a world it would be!
Thanks for the tip - hadn't heard about the Avast news, and wasn't aware Windows Defender might be sufficient. I'll look into it.
I'll confess to still using WhatsApp, cause I don't have it in my heart to force my 80 year old mother to learn signal.
Oh - and I'm replacing gmail (email and calendar) with Proton. I think the CEO isn't great, but it's a very similar service, and it's not US based. Any recommendations for alternatives to Android and Apple? I'm getting less comfortable with how much data Google has (and I don't like iOS).
I cancelled Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ a couple months ago. No more streaming subscription services for me! I'm very anti-subscription.
Except for Curiosity Stream, which is like Netflix but for educational documentaries. Even with the cost of my subscription doubling in the last 4 years, I'm still only paying about $30/year for it. Way cheaper than Netflix, and highly educational too!
I also set up my own Plex media server, then ripped all my DVDs and Blu-rays to my computer so I can watch them anytime, streaming from anywhere. I don't have to worry about content disappearing because the only time something vanishes from my Plex server is when I manually remove it myself.
Plex itself also has tons of free movies and TV shows streaming through it too. Mostly stuff that's open license. So even if you don't have your own media server set up, there's still tons of stuff to watch without paying for a subscription.
Great : it is one small step for man, one giant leap for your humanity. We will force capitalism to come back to it's senses, play politics all you want but remember: we are customers, not products. In the end we determine how much your shareholders make.
I've been using Proton Mail for a few months now and I love it. Setting up auto-forwarding + delete is pretty simple in Gmail too. Then I set my phone to sync my "empty" accounts so that Google doesn't delete them.
I can suggest Ameliorated together with MASSgrave to set a step in a somewhat right direction. You have choice from optimized windows to a private version of windows that have all connected parts to Microsoft stripped out.