As a single man I'd skip meals without even realizing, but now we plan meals together and if I don't say anything she will, so I don't miss many meals now
As soon as my partner started cooking all our meals I gained weight. When it was just my lazy ass feeding me, I ate simple things like a sandwich, noodles, or a microwave meal. I have no idea what she puts in the food (it's delicious) but the caloric intake is higher than when I was feeding myself.
Is this correlation related to marriage specifically or can it also be observed in long-term, stable, cohabiting relationships?
In either case, what does this suggest?
Yeah, this is currently my problem. We don’t have anyone to help take care of the children. I cannot exercise if I don’t wake up at like 4am (all the gums are closed) and ride my bike. This takes a toll on me however.
Likely because most men suck at cooking, and most women are expected to cook. So it's basically from "I'm eating to survive" into "I'm eating tasty stuff".
When I was engaged there was some odd reversal of that, my then fiancée complaining about gaining weight. Because guess what, she went from eating what her anosmic mum prepared to what some wog prepared. And c'mon, food is a biiiig deal for us wogs.
"okay cool English specific term for darker colored foreigner ethnicity people but apparently its a derogatory racial slur so why would someone identify themselves as one?"
Serious question by the way, is that like your cultures version of "we've appropriated a word you used to insult our kind and now pridefully incorporate it as a positive association word into our minority culture, and theres nothing you racist squares can do about it" or am I missing something?
I'm using "wog" as a direct translation to Portuguese "carcamano" (Italian descendant, mildly derogatory). It's directed towards my own group* so I'm outright reclaiming it.
*JK I'm a mutt. Proud to be one BTW. But yeah, carcamani in my family all the way down.
its a derogatory racial slur so why would someone identify themselves as one?"
Reclaiming slurs is cool. Less power to those who would use them against us. One of the reasons I don't agree with the trend of constantly moving towards whatever the politically correct language of the day is. We're just handing more insults to the assholes.
In my experience, when a couple moves in together (ideally on the way to getting married), their thiccness level slowly converges until they reach an equilibrium on being thicc in the britches.
Which can be good or bad. I’ve seen friends get healthier and gain unwanted weight. I’m just a neutral observer. Some people need more meat on their bones. Some people need to hike every weekend instead of drinking a 30 rack watching sports or playing on the computer or whatever. Ideally, a couple adopts each other’s best qualities.