Trump Threatens France With 200% Wine and Champagne Tariffs
Trump Threatens France With 200% Wine and Champagne Tariffs
"This will be great for the Wine and Champagne businesses in the U.S.," Trump wrote.

Pretty sure that just hurts rich people. Do it!
23 1 ReplyRowRowRowYourBot Nope, this hurts tons of people in the alcohol industry. Im working class and this will kill my job at a wine importer.
Wine hasn’t been a rich person’s thing for a while now.
20 1 ReplyBrianTheeBiscuiteer It's probably going to hurt everybody. I'm guessing margins on wine are greater than margins on regular groceries. Fewer purchases of wine could mean higher prices on staples to make up the difference.
8 0 ReplyZerlyna
4 0 Reply
Hmm...didn't have "republican threatens to tax the rich" on my card for 2025 🤔
10 0 ReplyDragomus No more Champagne at $100, drink Crystal bubblies for $200 a bottle!
No more French Pinot Noir, everyone do the Zinfandel!
Or perhaps just switch to boxes of USA wine only, glass bottles are too eco friendly anyway :-D
5 0 Replynot_that_guy05 I rather not support buying from my country and give this guy a helping hand. Just like I do drinking domestic beer. Ireland and Germany is making $ from me.
2 0 Reply
You mean, he threatened them with giving us all a "tax cut" on such items?
1 0 ReplyRamblingPanda You are not threatening France, you are threatening the EU. And the EU will retaliate. You are targeting France.
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