According to LCBO, Jack Daniel's Honey is Canadian. I looked at the info in the bottle. It's not.
According to LCBO, Jack Daniel's Honey is Canadian. I looked at the info in the bottle. It's not.

Underfreyja I'm about to start carrying US flag stickers for that kind of bullshit
67 0 ReplyouRKaoS Make sure your stickers are made in China!
42 1 Replymadjo Home drawn with the stars replaced with little swastikas
25 0 ReplyScientifficDoggo Lol, jokes on you, they're ALL made in China!
21 0 ReplyCows Look Like Maps
17 0 Reply
Kecessa Put them on the bar code
14 0 ReplyNotJohnSmith That's a great idea
3 0 Reply
wise_pancake I will accept that errors taken when making and executing in policies this quickly, but this should be corrected.
26 0 ReplyCompactFlax I thought that the liquor monopoly in Canada are pulling American product? Jack Daniel’s is unmistakably a US brand.
24 1 ReplyMohamed Just fyi, there isnt just one liquor monopoly. Not sure about other provinces, but BC has BC Liquor and Quebec has SAQ. I guess LCBO is Ontario's.
22 0 Replydarkpanda Ontario has he LCBO which is government owned and The Beer Store which is privately owned by Molsom-Coors, Labatt and Sleemans. There’s also some grocery stores that can sell some kinds of alcohol, but I think the rule is is that they need to be a certain distance away from an LCBO or Beer Store. This is mostly for rural areas I think?
12 0 Reply
argh_another_username OP This picture is from a week ago.
It is an US brand, but it could be like Heinz ketchup, that although being an American brand, it’s entirely made in Canada with Canadian tomatoes.
10 0 Replytarsn Didn't we all start buying french's when Heinz closed their Canadian facilities a few years ago? Thought that was a thing but didn't follow it that closely. My wife and mother in law have both insisted on buying french's since then.
12 0 ReplyTrex202 Heinz makes the ketchup in Canada, but doesn't use Canadian tomatoes. French's uses Canadian tomatoes.
6 0 Reply
Mongostein Wiser’s is the tits anyway
7 0 ReplySplashJackson Inclined to agree, but we always remember our first drunk.
Now remembering the ones after, however
3 0 Replywise_pancake I will try it, but I need to empty a bottle before I can buy a bottle.
It’s a sacrifice in willing to make.
1 0 ReplyRusty Wiser's is great in Manhattan.
1 0 ReplyJeromeVancouver I am a Canadian Club man myself but Wisers is also tasty
1 0 Reply
ScootsMcGoat I bought a bottle of this at the distillery in Tennessee. Awful stuff.
6 0 ReplySchwertImStein well it's a jack daniels
3 0 Reply
melsaskca A businessman lying to possibly sell more product? If this continues to happen then the whole system will be broken after a while! /s
5 0 Replydiverging LCBO is Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
12 0 Reply
TropicalDingdong Start taking a hammer to that shit.
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